Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: Welcome to the webinar on the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit. The objective of this webinar is to unpack the resources available in the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit and provide an opportunity to discuss how you would adopt and replicate these resources and programs in your State. WEBINAR
Welcome Introduce yourself and provide a brief background of why you are facilitating the webinar. Announce the States that have participants attending the call today.
Rules of Engagement Audience polling Raise your hands for questions Participation and open discussion Mute your phone unless otherwise instructed Formal Q & A at the end Say: Before we begin, let’s review some rules of engagement to ensure that we have successful webinar: We will use group polling throughout the session If you have a specific question or comment use the raise hand function We expect full participation and welcome open discussion. We may call on you to answer questions or ask for your opinion Please mute your phones unless instructed to respond to discussion questions At the end of the session we will hold a formal Q&A to address any of your final questions and comments
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: What is the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit all about?
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: Yellow Ribbon is not just an event;
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: it is a process.
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: While Yellow Ribbon coordinators put all the pieces together, the key to their success is
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: developing an integrated and collaborative team.
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: The Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit focuses on the factors that make programs successful in forming a strong coalition of service providers,
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: maximizing their contributions,
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: avoiding potential pitfalls,
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Say: and presenting a seamless team to Service Members and their Families.
Enhance your ability to: Toolkit Objectives Enhance your ability to: Form strong coalitions of service providers Ensure a comprehensive array of services Present a seamless team to Service Members and their Families Say: The objectives of the toolkit are to enhance your abilities to: Form strong coalitions of service providers Ensure a comprehensive array of services, and Present a seamless team to Service Members and their Families
Agenda Models of Collaboration for Care Coordination Models of Collaboration for Employment Services Models of Collaboration for Youth Programs Models of Collaboration for Suicide Prevention Models of Collaboration for Resiliency Model of Collaboration for Medical Care Say: Today we are going to cover the following sections that make up the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit: Models of Collaboration for Care Coordination Models of Collaboration for Employment Services Models of Collaboration for Youth Programs Models of Collaboration for Suicide Prevention Models of Collaboration for Resiliency, and Model of Collaboration for Medical Care
Access the Toolkit on JSS If you haven’t done so already, you can access the toolkit from the homepage on the JSS portal. Demonstrate for participants how to access the toolkit from the JSS site: Log on to JSS Click on the Toolkits tab Click on Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Toolkits Click on Collaboration with Providers tab Click Download All Resources
Care Coordination Care Coordination Program Model Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count Say: The first section of the toolkit includes information about New Hampshire’s Care Coordination program, including a Care Coordination Program Model Overview and samples from the Care Coordination program, Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count
Care Coordination Program Model Say: The Deployment Cycle Support Care Coordination program, Veterans Count, is a one-of-a-kind New Hampshire pilot program that provides comprehensive, free, and confidential care coordination to Service Members and Families engaged in the deployment cycle.
Care Coordination Program Model Build capacity in the civilian community for meeting the needs of Service Members and their Families Say: The program was designed to build capacity in the civilian community for meeting the needs of Service Members and their Families,
Care Coordination Program Model Build capacity in the civilian community for meeting the needs of Service Members and their Families Work in conjunction with existing Military, VA, and community programs Say: and to work in conjunction with existing Military, VA, and community programs.
Care Coordination Program Model Say: The Care Coordination element within the toolkit includes
Care Coordination Program Model Guide to the Deployment Cycle Support Program and Say: a guide to the Deployment Cycle Support Program and
Care Coordination Program Model Guide to the Deployment Cycle Support Program and Template and sample memorandum of understanding to formalize partnerships. Say: a template and sample memorandum of understanding to formalize partnerships.
In what ways does your program collaborate that helps to maximize resources around care coordination? Call on individual participants to discuss maximizing potential resources by partnering with similar agencies and organizations within their State. Ask: In what ways does your program collaborate that helps to maximize resources around care coordination?
Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count Say: Veterans Count is a unique public-private, Military-civilian partnership that provides free, confidential, proactive care coordination and emergency assistance for deploying Service Members and their Families. It is a result of strong partnerships among local business leaders, Veterans, and Easter Seals New Hampshire (ESNH) staff and board members.
Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count Locally raised, private funds through the “Veterans Count Club” Grant-writing Events Major gift solicitation Say: The program maximizes Department of Defense (DoD) funding by combining it with locally raised, private funds, through the “Veterans Count Club,” grant-writing, events, and major gift solicitation.
Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count Say: The Deployment Cycle Support element within the toolkit includes
Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count Resources from Easter Seals that outline the Veterans Count Program Say: resources from Easter Seals that outline the Veterans Count Program and
Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count Resources from Easter Seals that outline the Veterans Count Program Resource for Service Members to request support throughout the deployment cycle. Say: a resource for Service Members to request support throughout the deployment cycle.
What concepts from Veterans Count can you draw from, while working within the capabilities of your program? Call on individual participants to discuss the concept of having a collaboration model for care coordination. Ask: What concepts from Veterans Count can you draw from while working within the capabilities of your program?
Employment Services Washington Employment Transition Coaching Indiana Employment Coordination Program Utilizing Supporting Agencies Utilizing Employment Questionnaires Say: Now we are going to move on to the second section of the toolkit, which provides information about Models of Collaboration for Employment Services, including: Washington Employment Transition Coaching Indiana Employment Coordination Program Utilizing Supporting Agencies, and Utilizing Employment Questionnaires
Washington Employment Transition Coaching Say: The Washington Employment Transition Coaching program involves a team of employment coaches with a variety of skills working proactively with Service Members to enhance readiness for reintegration into the civilian working world. Career needs and goals often change through deployment, and Service Members develop new skills and interests.
Washington Employment Transition Coaching Say: The Washington model uses two self-assessment tools: the Employment Readiness Survey (ERS) and the World of Work Inventory (WOWI). Through the comprehensive needs assessment, resources are provided to meet the individual needs of the Service Member. Employment Readiness Survey (ERS)
Washington Employment Transition Coaching Say: The Washington Employment Transition Coaching element within the toolkit includes
Washington Employment Transition Coaching The program model rSay: esources that outline the program model,
Washington Employment Transition Coaching The program model Outcomes of the program Say: outcomes of the program, and
Washington Employment Transition Coaching The program model Outcomes of the program Sample best practice for employment services collaboration Say: a sample best practice for employment services collaboration.
Indiana Employment Coordination Program Say: The Indiana Employment Coordination Program is the result of a collaborative team effort where Indiana works directly with
Indiana Employment Coordination Program Say: both the citizen Service Member looking for increased responsibility, challenges, and advancement, and the Hoosier employer who is looking for stability, dedication, skill, discipline, and training obtained through the Military experience. Work with both the Service Member and employer
Indiana Employment Coordination Program Say: The Indiana Employment Coordination element within the toolkit includes
Indiana Employment Coordination Program Sample brochure that outlines the programs key constructs Say: a sample brochure that outlines the program’s key constructs.
Utilizing Supporting Agencies Say: Utilizing supporting agencies in employment program efforts is a critical aspect of collaboration. Many State programs, including Washington and Indiana, emphasize a close partnership with ESGR and Hire America’s Heroes to better meet the needs of Service Members.
Utilizing Supporting Agencies Say: The Utilizing Supporting Agencies element within the toolkit includes
Utilizing Supporting Agencies Samples of services provided by supporting agencies Say: samples of services provided by supporting agencies.
Poll Does your program emphasize a close partnership with ESGR and/or Hire America’s Heroes? Say: Let’s take a group poll. Does your program emphasize a close partnership with ESGR and/or Hire America’s Heroes? Select yes or no. Reponses: Yes No Report the results of the poll to the group.
Utilizing Employment Questionnaires Say: A best practice for implementing employment programs includes using employment questionnaires to assess the needs of the Service Members. This allows a Yellow Ribbon program to effectively match the Service Members with the appropriate services and also helps when coordinating employment efforts.
Utilizing Employment Questionnaires Say: The Utilizing Employment Questionnaires element within the toolkit includes
Utilizing Employment Questionnaires Samples of employment surveys that can be customized by State programs and used in implementing an employment program. Say: samples of employment surveys that can be customized by State programs and used in implementing an employment program.
Poll Does your program use employment questionnaires to coordinate employment efforts? Say: Let’s take another poll. Does your program use employment questionnaires to coordinate employment efforts? Select yes or no. Reponses: Yes No Report the results of the poll to the group.
Youth Programs Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Say: The third section of the toolkit provides information about Models of Collaboration for Youth Programs including Collaborating with Supporting Agencies
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Say: Many States collaborate with supporting agencies when implementing youth programs. All of these efforts are supported by the Yellow Ribbon program so that all Service Members and their Families have the greatest access to services. This is only possible through a strong collaborative network of providers who are committed to serving the needs of Military youth before, during, and after Yellow Ribbon events. Indiana, Utah, and New Hampshire have exhibited many best practices in collaborating for youth programming,
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University Say: including collaborations with the Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University,
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University Military Family Life Consultants Say: Military Family Life Consultants,
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University Military Family Life Consultants Youth Councils Say: youth councils,
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University Military Family Life Consultants Youth Councils Disaster Behavioral Health Response Team (DBHRT) Say: and the Disaster Behavioral Health Response Team (DBHRT).
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Say: The Collaborating with Supporting Agencies element within the toolkit includes
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Best practices in collaborating for youth programming Say: resources that outline best practices in collaborating for youth programming,
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Best practices in collaborating for youth programming Samples from exemplary States Say: including samples from exemplary States.
In what ways can you collaborate with providers and maximize additional resources to provide quality programming for youth? Call on individual participants to discuss the importance of offering workshops for youth. Ask: In what ways can you collaborate with providers and maximize additional resources to provide quality programming for youth at Yellow Ribbon events?
Suicide Prevention Suicide Prevention Overview (Example- ASIST) ACE CONNECT Battle Buddy Say: The fourth section of the toolkit provides information about Models of Collaboration for Suicide Prevention, including: Suicide Prevention Overview (Example-ASIST) ACE CONNECT, and Battle Buddy
Suicide Prevention Overview Say As part of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program, there is to be the establishment of a program to provide National Guard and Reserve Members and their Families with a suicide prevention, community healing, and response program. This involves an enhanced collaboration with community members and local service providers to develop an integrated community response to suicide.
Suicide Prevention Overview Say: While there are several suicide prevention models available, it is important to use a model which has been designated as a National Best Practice Program. Initiatives which combat stigma and enhance access to care are key components of an integrated approach to reducing suicide.
Suicide Prevention Overview Say: The Suicide Prevention Overview element within the toolkit includes
Suicide Prevention Overview Best practices for implementing suicide prevention programs Say: resources that outline best practices for implementing suicide prevention programs,
Suicide Prevention Overview Best practices for implementing suicide prevention programs National and local resources Say: as well as available national and local resources. Programs covered include ASIST, ACE, CONNECT, and Battle Buddy.
ASIST Program Say: ASIST is designed to help caregivers become more willing, ready, and able to respond effectively to persons at risk for suicide. ASIST uses the metaphor of suicide first aid and was produced by Living Works Education, Inc. The model includes five components:
ASIST Program Say: preparing, Preparing
ASIST Program Say: connecting, Preparing Connecting,
ASIST Program Say: understanding, Preparing Connecting, Understanding,
ASIST Program Preparing Connecting, Understanding, Assisting Say: assisting, and Preparing Connecting, Understanding, Assisting
ASIST Program Preparing Connecting Understanding Assisting Networking Say: networking. Preparing Connecting Understanding Assisting Networking
ACE Program Say: ACE is a widely used suicide prevention training which can complement some of the more comprehensive programs. ACE is an easily remembered acronym for
ACE Program Say: “Ask, Care, Escort.” Ask, Care, Escort
ACE Program Say: The ACE element within the toolkit includes
Samples from the ACE program Say: samples from the training so that coordinators can gain a sense of the program provided.
CONNECT Program Say: CONNECT is one of the most comprehensive suicide prevention/postvention programs being used by the National Guard, and is an example of collaborating with the wider community.
CONNECT Program Say: This program was developed by NAMI-New Hampshire in collaboration with national experts, and has been adopted by the New Hampshire National Guard.
CONNECT Program Prevention Intervention Postvention Say: This designated National Best Practice Program is unique in that it has a prevention and intervention component, as well as a comprehensive training model for postvention.
CONNECT Program Say: CONNECT has the further benefit of being a community-based model. This is especially useful for Service Members who do not live on Military bases.
CONNECT Program National Guard Family Program Yellow Ribbon staff Community mental health representatives Members of the faith-based community Say: CONNECT staff participate in Statewide Suicide Prevention Coalitions. Participants include National Guard Family Programs and Yellow Ribbon staff, community mental health representatives, members of the faith-based community, and many other interested partners.
CONNECT Program Say: The CONNECT element within the toolkit includes
Samples from the CONNECT program Say: samples from the training so that coordinators can gain a sense of the program provided.
Battle Buddy Program Say: The Battle Buddy program serves as a way to check up on a peer to see how he or she is doing. It is a way to develop an honest and open relationship and to follow up if there are any concerns. Battle Buddies observe when their buddy is struggling and may need additional support.
Battle Buddy Program Say: Many States use a combination of the more comprehensive models along with ACE and Battle Buddy programs. Integrating several approaches to suicide prevention can enhance a programs chance of getting the message across that help is available.
Battle Buddy Program Say: The Battle Buddy element within the toolkit includes
Samples from the Battle Buddy program Say: samples from the training so that coordinators can gain a sense of the program provided.
Does your program use a community based suicide prevention model? Poll Does your program use a community based suicide prevention model? Say: It’s time for another poll. Does your program use a community-based suicide prevention model? Select yes, no, or unsure. Responses: Yes No Unsure Report the results of the poll to the group.
How does your program collaborate to provide suicide prevention services, and what is the value of a community based model for suicide prevention? Call on individual participants to discuss collaborations for suicide prevention and the value of a community-based model. Ask: How does your program collaborate to provide suicide prevention services and what is the value of a community based model for suicide prevention?
Resiliency Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Kansas Resiliency Center Say: The fifth section of the toolkit provides information about Models of Collaboration for Resiliency, including: Workshops for Service Members and Family Members, and Kansas Resiliency Center
Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Say: Resiliency training is a highly recommended activity for all Yellow Ribbon events. Resiliency is the ability to thrive in the face adversity. Resilient individuals possess certain qualities. The good news is that these qualities can be learned. One of the most effective ways to address resiliency is through distinct breakout sessions which provide opportunities for personal growth and a deeper understanding of the tools and skills needed throughout the deployment cycle. Resiliency is the ability to thrive in the face adversity. Resilient individuals possess certain qualities. The good news is that these qualities can be learned.
Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Say: Couples have needs throughout the deployment cycle that are different from the needs of single Service Members.
Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Distinct breakout session Action plans and personal goal setting Say: Distinct breakout sessions for couples and single Service Members at events has resulted in more engaging and open exploration of issues related to resiliency. Action plans and personal goal setting are important features of programs designed to have lasting impacts.
Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Say: The Workshops for Service Members and Family Members element within the toolkit includes
Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Importance of resiliency Say: information that outlines the importance of resiliency training,
Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Importance of resiliency Four Lenses and Seven Habits Say: as well as two approaches for addressing resiliency at Yellow Ribbon events: Four Lenses and Seven Habits.
War Fighter Diaries Say: One best practice used by many States in resiliency training is providing Service Members and Families with the War Fighter Diaries resource (, which is a social network designed to foster relationships with uniformed Service Members through short videos of actual war stories and real-life experiences to build a resilient team. Show the video trailer for War Fighter Diaries. Access the video from:
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: The Kansas Resiliency Center was proposed by The Adjutant General (TAG) of Kansas when Kansas National Guard suicide equaled combat deaths in 2006. The program is a result of strong collaborations with organizations
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: such as the American Association of Emergency Psychiatry;
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: Walter Reed Army Institute for Research (WRAIR);
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: National Defense University;
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: U.S. Army,
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: U.S. Air Force,
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: and Marine Corps stress programs;
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: Kansas State University;
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families; and
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: Purdue Military Family Research Institute.
Kansas Resiliency Center Say: The Kansas Resiliency Center element within the toolkit includes
Kansas Resiliency Center Collaborative process Say: resources that outline the collaborative process behind the Kansas Resiliency Center,
Kansas Resiliency Center Collaborative process Training Courses Say: as well as the courses provided in the training.
What are some of the potential resources within your State that can add to efforts to build resiliency? Call on individual participants to discuss building resources to enhance collaborations for resiliency. Ask: What are some of the potential resources within your State that can add to efforts to build resiliency? Are there any current practices you are using that you would like to share with the group?
Medical Care Medical Care Overview Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Resources Say: The last section of the toolkit provides information about Models of Collaboration for Medical Care, including: Medical Care Overview, and Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Resources
Medical Care Overview Say: Meeting the health care needs of Service Members and their Families is an integral component of the YRRP. The inclusion of Veterans Services Organizations and TRICARE at events is mandatory at the 30-Day Post-Deployment event and highly recommended at most other events. Effective Yellow Ribbon coordinators develop ongoing collaborative relationships with these partners.
Medical Care Overview Say: The Medical Care Overview element within the toolkit includes
Best practices in collaborations for medical care Medical Care Overview Best practices in collaborations for medical care Say: information about best practices in collaborations for medical care.
Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Resources Partner with the VA Set up processing of benefits at demobilization Use pre-populated forms Say: Service Members and their Families require access to medical care and medical care resources so that they can fully understand the options and services available to them and how to access care. Best practices include partnering with the VA, setting up the processing of benefits at demobilization to expedite the receipt of entitlements and reduce the length of time for claims to get approved, and using pre-populated forms to streamline the process of accessing benefits and services.
Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Resources Say: The Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Care Resources element within the toolkit includes
Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Resources Samples from States exhibiting best practices in meeting the health care needs of Service Members and their Families Say: samples from States exhibiting best practices in meeting the health care needs of Service Members and their Families, including Washington and Indiana.
Wrap-Up Say: Thank you for your participation in today’s webinar. It has been a tremendous success!
Wrap-Up Say: Before you go, let’s review the objectives and some of the highlights of the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit.
Enhance your abilities to: Toolkit Objectives Enhance your abilities to: Form strong coalitions of service providers Ensure a comprehensive array of services Present a seamless team to Service Members and their Families Say: By using the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit, you will enhance your abilities to: Form strong coalitions of service providers Ensure a comprehensive array of services, and Present a seamless team to Service Members and their Families
Highlights Say: Some of the highlights of the toolkit are: Identify and reach out to community resources, agencies, and organizations that can contribute to the YRRP.
Highlights Say: A care coordination model can support Service Members and their Families proactively and comprehensively throughout the deployment cycle.
Highlights Say: Form partnerships with trade unions, apprenticeship programs, and State construction projects.
Highlights Say: In addressing suicide prevention, recognize the importance of using community supports and participating in suicide prevention coalitions.
Highlights Say: Meet regularly with service providers to enhance communication and to develop a more coordinated approach to serving needs.
Highlights Say: Increase stakeholder commitment to an ongoing partnership, and formalize the partnership in writing.
Questions and Comments What questions do you have? Comments? Say: Now is the time we can discuss any general questions or comments you might have. If you would like to discuss anything further we are happy to stay on the call. Thank you for your participation!