Vocabulary List One English One
Adjacent Adjective Means “next to,” “beside,” or “near” Sp: adyacente No additional conjugations Putting a pizza restaurant adjacent a gym is just plain mean.
Barren Adjective Means “empty and lifeless,”--refers to a place where nothing grows No additional conjugations The farmer looked at his barren field and knew that he was ruined.
Bewildered Adjective Means “confused” I was bewildered by the rules of rugby, so I had no idea who was winning the match.
commend Verb Means “to praise” or Commends, commended, commending Means “to praise” or “to entrust something to Someone” The coach commended him for his effort, but he still sucked at football.
Evoke Verb Evokes, evoking, evoked Sp: evocar Means “to bring something to mind” or “reminds you of something” Connor McGregor’s dominance evokes a young Mike Tyson.
Germinate Verb Means “to begin to grow” Germinates, germinated, germinating Sp: germinar Means “to begin to grow” Can refer to something concrete(like a plant) or abstract (like an idea) When the seeds he planted finally germinated, the farmer was relieved. After his sketchy response, my belief that he stole my phone began to germinate.
humdrum Adjective No additional conjugations Means “ordinary,” “same old” After being criticized for my humdrum style, I started dressing like Lady Gaga every day.
Infer Verb: To understand or figure Out (Without being told) Infers, inferred, inferring Sp: inferir To understand or figure Out (Without being told) She immediately took out her phone and pretended not to hear me, so I inferred that she wasn’t interested.
inhumane Adjective Means “Cruel” Opposite: humane: kind They were astonished by the man’s inhumane treatment of his dogs.
Revere Verb Reveres, revered Means “to admire or respect” Muhammad Ali is revered by many boxing fans, who consider him to be the greatest of all time.
sullen Adjective Means “Grumpy,” or “in a quiet, bad mood” Adverb: sullenly Means “Grumpy,” or “in a quiet, bad mood” The child was sullen all morning because his mom wouldn’t let him watch Spongebob and eat cupcakes for breakfast.
Trivial Adjective No other conjugations Sp: same Means “not important,” or “insignificant” Please, I do not want to hear the trivial details of your relationship; nobody cares!