“Prepare, Prevent, Respond” Fire Safety Seminar 2017 “Prepare, Prevent, Respond” Workshop Discussion Points
POST-SEMINAR WORKSHOP Focused on prevention of Electrical Fires The 2nd highest fire cause in Singapore for 2016 is of electrical origin Participants were tasked to develop a framework to prevent electrical fires in: Mixed-use commercial high-rise development Mid-rise industrial building
SCOPE OF FRAMEWORK/CHECKLIST When? Before, during and after installation Before, during and after use What? Equipment, fixtures/fittings, electrical installation High/Low risk Abnormalities Who? LEWs, engineers, facility managers, employees Where? Indoor, outdoor, switch room, server room, utility room How? Checking tools – measuring device Visual Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Documentation records – tracking and comparison
SELECTED POINTS OF DISCUSSION Electrical maintenance or repairs must be done by Licensed Electrical Workers (LEW) There are a lot of aspects to take into account for electrical fire safety, managers can assist to oversee some of these aspects but they do not have the in-depth knowledge LEW to ensure adherence to the relevant standards and code of practices in Singapore A good LEW must be able to provide a clear, accurate and detailed Inspection Report which also provides advice on what needs to be done. Management must act upon the findings on a timely basis.
SELECTED POINTS OF DISCUSSION Managers need to pay attention to detail when checking the premises Ensure proper maintenance regime of various equipment Check on the overall housekeeping of the area No storage of combustible material (e.g. stacks of paper or cardboard) near electrical equipment Electrical wiring needs to be neat and organized No pests such as rodents that can damage electrical wiring Look out for poor electrical safety practices (e.g. overloading of power sockets)
SELECTED POINTS OF DISCUSSION Importance of communication between management and the rest of the occupants within the premises Occupants can assist to look out for fire hazards and report them to the building management Management should remind the occupants on electrical safety through notices, posters, and regular briefings; the information flow should not be restricted within the building management team Management and occupants need to develop good electrical/fire safety habits and practices
SELECTED POINTS OF DISCUSSION New employees are a good starting point for instilling fire safety habits and awareness Job briefing before a new employee starts work Impart safe work procedures Understand the various hazards Educate on the importance of fire safety and how to play a part in fire prevention Implement regular safety refresher after a pre-determined length of employment
SELECTED POINTS OF DISCUSSION Management can conduct safety audits to check compliance with good fire safety practices To be performed at regular intervals Ensure that past findings have been rectified or in the process of rectification Check documentation records to identify trends, this helps to identify items with regular faults which needs to be addressed