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Jeopardy Brain & Addiction TobaccoMarijuanaSteroids Prescription Drugs Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Brain & Addiction The human brain weighs about as much as a ______________ A)Doughnut B)12-pack of soda C)Chihuahua
$100 Answer from Brain & Addiction C: The human brain weighs about 3 pounds, about the size of a Chihuahua. A doughnut only weighs a few ounces, and a 12-pack of soda weighs 9 pounds.
$200 Question from Brain & Addiction When someone uses drugs repeatedly, their brain ______________. A)Becomes trained to crave the drug B)Becomes smaller than before C)Is not changed
$200 Answer from Brain & Addiction A: The brain is wired to remember feelings of pleasure, including those produced by drugs unnaturally. The brain the strives to repeat those feelings, which the drug user experiences as a craving for the drug.
$300 Question from Brain & Addiction Neurons in the brain communicate with each other by ___________________. A)Passing axons B)Releasing chemicals C)Instant messaging
$300 Answer from Brain & Addiction B: The transfer of a message from one neuron to another occurs by releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters into the spaces called synapses between neurons. The axon is the long threadlike fiber that transmits the message.
$400 Question from Brain & Addiction The brains reward system is part of the __________________. A)Sensory cortex B)Limbic system C)Spinal cord
$400 Answer from Brain & Addiction B: The limbic system is involved in emotions, learning and memory, and other functions necessary for survival. The reward circuit is part of the limbic system and is activated by pleasurable activities, such as hanging out with friends and by drugs of abuse.
$500 Question from Brain & Addiction Drugs work in the brain because they have similar _______________________. A) Electrical charges as brain cells B)Size and shape as natural brain chemicals C)Nerve cells as the brain
$500 Answer from Brain & Addiction B: Drugs fool the brain because they are similar in size and shape as the natural brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.
$100 Question from Tobacco Cigarette smokers are addicted to _______________. A)Tar B)Carbon monoxide C)Nicotine
$100 Answer from Tobacco B: People who smoke are addicted to the nicotine in tobacco. However, both tar and carbon monoxide are also toxic chemicals causing many health problems.
$200 Question from Tobacco Cigarette smoke contains ______________ chemicals. A)4000 B)1000 C)400
$200 Answer from Tobacco A: The addictive drug, nicotine, is only one of 4000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Many of them, such as tar and carbon monoxide, are toxic and cause diseases such as cancer.
$300 Question from Tobacco After a puff of a cigarette, nicotine is in the brain in __________ seconds. A)8 B)18 C)80
$300 Answer from Tobacco A: After a person inhales cigarette smoke, nicotine enters the blood in the lungs, goes through the heart and is pumped to the brain – a journey that takes only 8 seconds.
$400 Question from Tobacco Smoking cigarettes changes _______________. A)The amount of brain chemical that allow us to experience pleasure B)The amount of blood that flows to the brain C)The number of things we worry about
$400 Answer from Tobacco A: Nicotine boost the amount of a brain chemical called dopamine. At first, this produces feelings of pleasure. But soon, the person who smokes need nicotine just to feel normal.
$500 Question from Tobacco In the brain, nicotine locks into receptors on neurons making the smoker feel ___________. A)Irritable B)Sleepy C)Alert and satisfied
$500 Answer from Tobacco C: Nicotine is similar in size and shape as brain chemicals that regulate feelings of alertness and pleasure or satisfaction.
$100 Question from Marijuana Marijuana is made up of parts of a plant called __________. A)Cannabis Sativa B)Fern C)Ivy
$100 Answer from Marijuana A: Marijuana is made up of parts of the cannabis sativa plant. It is a mixture of the dried, shredded leaves, seeds, flowers, and stems of the plant.
$200 Question from Marijuana The chemical in marijuana that cause the user to feel high is ______________. A)Dopamine B)Nor epinephrine C)Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal (THC)
$200 Answer from Marijuana C: The chemical in marijuana that causes the user to feel high is delta-9- tertahydrocannabinol (THC). There are more than 400 chemicals in marijuana, but THC is the active ingredient responsible for increasing dopamine levels, the chemical in the brain that produces feelings of pleasure.
$300 Question from Marijuana Marijuana users experience short-term memory loss because of the drugs effect on ______________. A)The heart B)The hippocampus C)The basal ganglia
$300 Answer from Marijuana B: Marijuana users experience short- term memory loss because of the drugs effect on the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of the brain involved in learning and memory. The basal ganglia, on the other hand, is an area of the brain that helps control movement.
$400 Question from Marijuana In addition to causing troubles in the brain, smoking marijuana may increase the risk of __________________. A)Amputation and obesity B)Kidney Stones and ruptured appendix C)Heart Attacks and respiratory illnesses
$400 Answer from Marijuana C: In addition to causing trouble in the brain, smoking marijuana may increase the risk of heart attacks and respiratory illnesses.
$500 Question from Marijuana A)Coating the skull B)Binding to specific receptors C)Causing brain tissue to grow Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal, the active ingredient in marijuana, acts on the brain by _______________.
$500 Answer from Marijuana B: Delta-9-tertahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana, acts on the brain by binding to specific receptors. The receptors are called cannabinoid receptors
$100 Question from Steroids Steroids ______________. A)Stimulate muscle growth B)Cause eyesight to improve C)Increase intelligence
$100 Answer from Steroids A: Steroids stimulate muscle growth, so users look big and strong on the outside. But they may be creating weaknesses on the inside.
$200 Question from Steroids Steroids are synthetic versions of ____________. A)Bacteria B)Testosterone C)Estrogen
$200 Answer from Steroids B: Steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone. Testosterone is a male sex hormone. Estrogen is the female sex hormone.
$300 Question from Steroids Roid rage refers to _____________. A)Emotional changes brought on by steroid abuse B)Drivers on steroids C)Steroid-induced strength
$300 Answer from H4 A: Roid rage refers to emotional changes brought on by steroid abuse. Steroids act on the limbic system, the part of the brain that deals with emotions and moods. Abuse can cause irritability and mild depression. It can also cause mania, delusions, and violent aggression.
$400 Question from Steroids Gynecomastia, a condition that can be caused by steroid abuse, is _____________. A)Breast development in men B)Fat deposits in arteries C)Baldness
$400 Answer from Steroids A: Gynecomastia, a condition that can be caused by steroid abuse, is breast development in men. This condition is caused by a disruption in the normal production of hormones. In guys, the disruption can also cause reduced sperm count and shrunken testicles.
$500 Question from Steroids While males can develop breast, female steroid abusers become more masculine. Among other things, their voice ___________. A)Gets hoarse B)Deepens C)Gets higher
$500 Answer from Steroids B: While males can develop breasts, female steroid abusers become more masculine. Among other things, their voice deepens. Females can also experience excessive growth of body hair and decreased breast size.
$100 Question from Prescription Drugs People are abusing a prescription drug if ______________. A)It was used for someone else B)The use more than the doctor prescribed C)They take the drug for entertainment or pleasure D)All of the above
$100 Answer from Prescription Drugs D: People are abusing a prescription drug if it was prescribed for someone else, if they use more than the doctor prescribed, or if they take the drug for entertainment or pleasure.
$200 Question from Prescription Drugs Which of the following statements is true? A)Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are among the most commonly abused drugs by 12 th graders. B)The prescription drug least often abused by teens is painkillers. C)Taking another persons prescription medication is fine as long as you follow the directions.
$200 Answer from H5 A: Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are among the most commonly abused drugs by 12 th graders, after alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco.
$300 Question from Prescription Drugs When people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) take a stimulant prescribed by a doctor, _____________. A)They have increased alertness, attention, and focus B)The are at risk for addiction C)They feel high D)They must break or crush the pill
$300 Answer from Prescription Drugs A: When people with ADHD take a stimulant prescribed by a doctor, they have increased alertness, attention, and energy so they can focus.
$400 Question from Prescription Drugs Central nervous system depressants are prescribed for _____________. A)People with anxiety or sleep problems B)People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) C)People with chronic pain D)People with severe coughing
$400 Answer from Prescription Drugs A: Central nervous system depressants are prescribed for people with anxiety or sleep problems.
$500 Question from Prescription Drugs Slowed breathing is a side effect of _______________. A)Opioid painkillers B)Opioid painkillers and central nervous system depressants C)Central nervous system stimulants D)Central nervous system stimulants and depressants
$500 Answer from Prescription Drugs B: Slowed breathing is a side effect of opioid painkillers and central nervous system depressants.
Final Jeopardy Inhalants can harm the brain, affecting a fatty tissue that covers nerves called:
Final Jeopardy Answer Myelin