Integral Employee Engagement Presented by Jill Malleck, PCC Integral Coach The importance of “energy” when it comes to engagement An integral approach to employee engagement and interest
Change is both objective and subjective… My Readiness to Change = Dis + Vis + Pr > PC Dissatisfaction w status quo Vision of end stage Practical Next Steps > Perceived Costs Trusted Change Plan = Vision + Skills + Motivation + Resources + Action Plan
At All Times: Multiple Perspectives of Reality I – Personal Interiors I – Personal Behaviours We – Culture & Relationships Its – Systems Each perspective is valid… and partial. We need it all to be whole. K. Wilber, Integral Theory Garden for the Blind, Bonn, Germany
4 Quadrant Integral Theory All Perspectives All the Time Cognitive, emotional, spiritual My values, intentions, capabilities, beliefs My interpretation of feelings, sensations arising in my body Subjective, invisible – I am aware & may tell you. You have to ask me to find out Individual Interior I Individual Body & Behaviour IT Shared Systems & Nature ITS Shared Culture & Relationship WE Measurable parts of our bodies; physical, bio- energetic Behaviour : what I do, how I go Measurable doings: what I get done Objective, observable. You cannot ascribe my intentions based on what you observe Management frameworks for organizational systems & infrastructure Relationships, community Unspoken rules “we” understand Part of a cultural subjectivity, norms Shared vision, values Communication patterns Inter-subjective. Can know a group by being in it Systems: Socio-economic regulatory, industry/sector, business model Environment, physical world Inter-objective ; data, processes, structures Based on Ken Wilber’s work
Which Quadrant Do You Feel Most at Home In? The Self-Aware Professional The Productive The Systemic Professional The Relational Professional Will this be meaningful to me? What is the purpose of doing this? Where does what matters to me fit in all of this? I need to try it out to see if it works What doing to happen here? What kind of environment will it create for me to work and play in? What is the bigger picture? What else does this impact? Who else has expertise I need to access? What else do I need to learn? Let me discuss with others before I decide for myself. How will this contribute to my family and others? What are the group’s priorities?
In Your Same Quadrant Group The Self-Aware Professional The Productive Professional The Systemic Professional The Relational Professional What are some strategies for “engaging” employees/members that you think are very powerful and positive?
Integrated Engagement Strategy Engagement Methods Awareness Taking people inside to the what really matters to them and to how a program fits their unique needs. Results Finding concrete ways describe what the end results will be; measures of success. Relations Acknowledging the importance of peer groups and communities in making changes and decisions. Systems Holding the program in a larger context, including other benefits, employment contracts and life cycle changes. Integrated Engagement Strategy
What works best As much as you know, can say Self aware Results Driven Relational Systems Robust Change Agent As much as you know, can say Be honest about the downsides Use clear, jargon free language to say what you mean Let others put their own meaning to it – don’t assume you know what they need or what’s important to them – ASK and LISTEN Validate others
What works best Connect with others and be accessible Self aware Results Driven Relational Systems Robust Change Agent Connect with others and be accessible Create more opportunities for face-to-face contact – group meetings and social activities A real “open-door” policy Watch that geography isn’t an excuse to hide or isolate Tell success stories and let satisfied people be examples
What works best Emphasize Results Self aware Results Driven Relational Systems Robust Change Agent Emphasize Results Model how good habits (saving, physical fitness) help reach goals Bring “energy” to the discussions Show progress by using timelines and graphs that are concrete Get the numbers Give the help and resources needed at the most crucial times of action
What works best Show the Whole System Self aware Results Driven Relational Systems Robust Change Agent Show the Whole System Talk about the whole benefit package Keep the larger context – whole life cycle Use technology, tools, worksheets and forms to make it easy to understand and explain Are there cues and reminders to keep people aware?
Three Cs to increase Intrinsic Motivation Collaboration: inspire me to cooperate and help others succeed; talk about shared goals; speak to my need for affiliation and belonging Content: help me understand how my work adds value; show me the big picture and why what I do is worthwhile Choice: allow me to make the work my own; tell me what decisions I can make and what tools you will make available to me Adapted from: Motivating Employees, Bruce & Pepitone, 1999