Altmetric Indicators vs. Bibliometric Indicators Fereshteh Didegah, Kim Holmberg, and Timothy D. Bowman Research Unit for the Sociology of Education, University of Turku
Bibliometric indicators Number of publications Number of citations Publication venues: Journal Impact Factor Author reputation: H-index
Number of publications Problem: No indication of the influence of the work
Citations ≠ Quality
Journal Impact Factor Problems: Limited to the citable documents (i.e. articles, notes and reviews) Not considering different citation behaviours across subject domains (Moed & Van Leeuwen, 1995)
H-index Problems: Very strong correlation with the number of publications Its dependency on the scholar’s research age
Normalized indicators Number of citations / Number of expected citations Crown indicator: Normalized indicator by subject field and year of publication
Alternative Metrics or Altmetrics
Publishers and funders use Altmetrics
Altmetrics vs. Citations
The need for more sophisticated altmetric indicators Can a single altmetric indicator represent many types of impact?
Constructing a Composite Altmetric Indicator 2.Selecting indicators 3.Grouping sub-indicators 4.Normalization 5.Weighting and aggregation 1.Theoretical framework
Categorizing altmetric indicators Snowball metrics (Colledge, 2014): Scholarly activities (Mendeley, CiteULike, …) Scholarly commentaries (F1000, YouTube, …) Social media tools (Twitter, Facebook, ..) Mass media groups (News posts, …)
Categorizing altmetric indicators PLOS Usage: Pdf downloads, PLOS views, … Citations: Scopus, WoS, … Social bookmarking and dissemination activity: Mendeley, … Media and blog coverage: Twitter, blogs, … Discussion activity and ratings: PLOS ratings, comments, …
Categorizing altmetric indicators ImpactStory Recommended: F-1000 Cited: WoS, pubmed Saved: Mendeley, CiteULike Discussed: Blogs, comments Viewed: Pdf downloads
Categorizing altmetric indicators Mentioned by: blogs, twitter, Facebook and Wikepedia Read on: Mendeley, Citeulike, and Connotea
Categorizing altmetric indicators Plum Analytics Usage: clicks, downloads, views, library holdings, video plays Captures: bookmarks, code forks, favorites, readers, watchers Mentions: blog posts, comments, reviews, Wikipedia links Social media: likes, shares, tweets Citations: PubMed Central, Scopus, patents
Thanks for your attention! Fereshteh Didegah, Kim Holmberg, and Timothy D. Bowman Research Unit for the Sociology of Education, University of Turku;;