Guy Rutter Production Pitch
Production Media/Delivery/Deadline I going to produce a Stop-motion animation using Lego figures I will deliver my finished project to YouTube then to my online blog I will have to make by Monday 23rd March.
Production Mindmaps This some of my topic ideas I might use in my animation. I chose don’t drink and drive because I want to use Lego figures and if I chose eat five a day I would have to get thin and fat Lego figures and it is impossible to get fat Lego figures because they all thin Lego figures.
Production Mindmaps These are some of location I might use as my location. I would like get pictures of a pub and a road and a car and when I edit it I would put as my background
Production Mindmaps These are some of characters I might use in my animation.
Production Concept/Style/USP A man has been drinking at a party and his friend says you had too much to drink then he say I be find drives home and ends up in a crash. The style is Lego stop-motion It is unique selling point is Lego figures are familiar and it hasn’t been use as a infomercial before.
Production Audience The audience aim to is 18+ but I will be aiming for a PG audience stop people are young when they get older to stop drink and drive.
Production Equipment/Techniques Camera 1100d - Animating Lego - Animating Stop-motion software - Animating Abode Premiere CS6 – Editing Rostrum - Animating
Production Resources/Budget Dragon-frame- £184.22 Lego - £65.49 Camera 600d - £259.00 Apple Mac - £899.00 Adobe Premiere CS6 - £399.95 Rostrum -£149.99 Adobe After effects – £699.00 My budget will be £1964.98
Production Collaboration I will be working on my own to make my animation.
Production Constraints Time Resources