culture and modern society
The Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture is a comprehensive graduate school of the humanities and social sciences. Classes with small numbers of students and a multiple-guidance system help to produce highly specialized professionals with the ability to investigate various issues. The School also welcomes many mature and international students.
Courses or Departments under the School ・Master's Program of Contemporary Cultures ・Master's Program of Co-operativism in Legal, Economic and Social Affairs ・Master's Program of Social and Cultural Sciences ・Master's Program of Contemporary Management Practices ・Doctoral Program of Personal and Social Development ・Doctoral Program of Regional Cultures and Sociology ・Doctoral Program of Global Community
Type of Degree Offered at the School ・Master of Arts ・Master of Laws ・Master of Public Administration ・Master of Economics ・Master of Public Management ・Master of Business Administration ・Master of Philosophy ・Doctor of Philosophy ・Doctor of Philosophy in Literature ・Doctor of Laws ・Doctor of Philosophy in Economics ・Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Curriculum Coordinator professor Alessandra Giorgi (giorgi@unive Curriculum Coordinator professor Alessandra Giorgi ( Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies Educational aims The doctorate is organized into two main subject areas, which incorporate languages, language science, literature and culture within numerous scientific and cultural projects: Modern Languages, Cultures and Societies,
Professional Profiles Given the broad and in-depth preparation, the PhD graduate will be able to employ the skills acquired not only in an academic research environment but also, according to the specific subject area studied, in highly skilled roles in fields which cover internationalisation and the study of language.
[Contacts Modern Languages, Cultures and Societies curriculum: Department of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ca' Bernardo, Dorsoduro 3199, 30123 Venezia (Italy) Alba Loccioni, tel.: +39 041 234 9427, fax: +39 041 234 9476, Website:]
Did by Fayzullo Habibullayev I cours "T M T"
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