Reading Comprehension Strategies and Explicit Teaching
As a teacher, do you want… to make optimal use of your instructional time? keep students engaged? and promote high rates of success using research- based principles?
Explicit Teaching Brainstorm words/phrases to describe explicit teaching; add to chart Resource-pages 2-3
Explicit Teaching Direct, clear/concise language, sequential; breakdown complex skills into smaller bites; modeling and practice with frequent responses; provide cueing/scaffolding Tell students why and when to use strategies, what strategies to use, and how to apply them Think…. “I do, We do, You do, Re do” sequence
Explicit teaching works… Thinking and the ‘how to’ are made visible No guessing in the ‘what’ and ‘how to’ Especially important for struggling students
Steps of Explicit Teaching 1. Gain Attention/Anticipatory Set (I do) 2. Objective/Goal/Relevance (I do) (Review critical prerequisite skills) 3. Instructional Input/ Direct Explanation/Modeling (I do; but involve students) 4. Guided Practice (prompted) and Check for Understanding (We do) 6. Independent Practice (unprompted) (You do) 7. Closing of the lesson; review what was learned [8. Application (You do; Redo)]
Make your own cue card to remember the steps of explicit teaching Script of a Model Lesson Fifth grade; determining the main idea and use of paraphrasing (see handout)
Research and Effective Teaching of Comprehension Research on Comprehension Strategy Instruction National Reading Panel (NRP; NICHD, 2000) 1. Recognizing text structure 2. Using graphic/semantic organizers 3. Monitoring comprehension 3. Generating/answering questions 4. Summarizing 6. Using mental imagery
Ideas for Text Structure
Ideas for Semantic and Graphic Organizers
Ideas for Monitoring Comprehension
Generating and Asking Questions
Seven Strategies to Teach Text Comprehension strategies-teach-students-text-comprehension
Coordination of Strategies
Examples from Dr. Anita Archer Read Aloud-Wolf (2nd grade) What practices were used to support students’ understanding of novel vocabulary words? What procedures were used to support students’ comprehension of the book? Cause-Effect (3rd grade) What did you see in terms of explicit instruction? Social Studies background knowledge (before reading) What strategies did she use to build background knowledge? Did she use explicit instruction?