Health Development Consultancy Services (HEDECS), Bamenda-Cameroon MDI (CHIP) my CHIP project title Nancy Bolima Health Development Consultancy Services (HEDECS), Bamenda-Cameroon statement of problem outcomes lessons learned Improvement of quality health care delivery in Cameroon outcome 1 Community education manual for HIV/AIDS sensitisation, sexual and reproductive health care developed 3 PLWHA groups capacitated on behaviour change. 100 community educators and 100 women leaders in 4 Sub Divisions capacitated on HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health care. Implementation of designed CHIP may not be exact. The need and capacity to adapt to the changes in the internal and external environment. Migration from one organization and creating another with a CHIP to implement stretches ones effective and efficient management and leadership capabilities Health promotion and improvement needs a multi stakeholder buy ins including the government’s political commitment, beneficiaries, sponsors and funders NWRDPH MBOSCUDA/AMSO MHO SNV PLWHA/COMMUNITIES HEDECS outcome 2 Pilot Research study conducted in three Regions of Cameroon on HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and Parvovirus for improvement on specificity and sensitivity of diagnostic test kits. Pilot Survey on client’s satisfaction of mutual health organizations in North West Region Cameroon Potential research projects on the way on diseases and breastfeeding. project description my organization Attainment of the MDGs (4,5,6) is a challenge for all. This can be achieved through behavior change at all levels. Partnerships have to be created, sectors, ,institutions and communities strengthen to take health to the next level. HEDECS vision: We strive for a society where communities have a longer life expectancy due to improved health. Mission: HEDECS is committed to quality health assurance, development of individuals and communities and to lead, strengthen and support activities which enhances the socio-economic development of the populations with the goal of providing sustainable solutions to their problems. Programs;-Socio-economic empowerment and youth development ;Human rights, good governance, gender and health; Research, trainings, information and education goals Capacity strengthening of communities in respect and response to reproductive health care and HIV/AIDS resistance to behavior change. To encourage and carry out research in collaboration with other national and international partners for improved health policies. Enhance lobby and advocacy within the different stakeholders for improved quality care to clients. outcome 3 Potential projects on poverty alleviation for women towards health promotion Potential project on HIV/AIDS prevention among youths using football in secondary/high schools SMART objectives Initiate the process of addressing resistance to behavior change and to train communities at different levels by December 2009 Identify and lobby for sponsors and partners to support and promote health research Arrive at a consensus with stakeholders for improved quality health care. outcome 4 Development and signing of memorandum of understanding by major stakeholders for health for the inclusion of minorities (Mborroro) in health. Capacity enhancement of MHO on Planning and Budgeting for Health Facilitation and Development of strategic plan for MHO contact me For more information, contact me: Website: Phone: (237)77673878/33051103 Email: