VELO Thermal Control System


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Presentation transcript:

VELO Thermal Control System (VTCS) Tertiary System Layout at VELO VTCS Left Local Control Box Tertiary vacuum Secondary vacuum Vapor mixture return Insulated concentric tube TL-PT01 TL-PT02 TL-VL01 TL-FL1 Liquid in Left TL-HX28 TL-PT03 TL-VL02 TL-PT04 TL-BD01 TL-HX1 Primary vacuum Shielding wall Left Tertiary vacuum control TL-HX27 Right Tertiary vacuum control TR-HX1 TR-HX27 TR-VL02 TR-PT04 TR-BD01 50 meter TR-PT03 Vapor mixture return TR-HX28 Right Liquid in TR-PT01 TR-PT02 Insulated concentric tube TR-VL01 TR-FL1 VTCS Right Local Control Box VELO Detector

Tertiary VTCS schematics at RB84 plant Vapor mixture from concentric tube Liquid to concentric tube Liquid to concentric tube Vapor mixture from concentric tube TL-LT01 TR-LT01 TL-BD02 TL-PT06 TR-PT06 TL-VL03 TL-VL16 TR-VL16 TR-VL03 TR-BD02 TRL-VL18 SA-HX05 / TL-HX31 SA-HX06 / TR-HX31 TL-PT05 TR-PT05 TRL-VL17 SB-HX05 / TL-HX32 SB-HX06 / TR-HX32 TL-VL15 TR-VL15 TL-AC01 TR-AC01 TL-HT05 TR-HT05 TRL-VL12 TL-HT06 TL-VL14 TL-PT07 TR-PT07 TR-VL14 TR-HT06 TL-VL13 TR-VL13 TL-VL09 TR-VL09 SB-HX03 / TL-HX30 SA-HX04 / TR-HX29 TL-VL08 TRL-VL11 TR-VL08 SB-HX04 / TR-HX30 SA-HX03 / TL-HX29 TL-PM01 TR-PM01 TL-VL04 TRL-PM01 TR-VL04 TL-VL07 TR-VL07 TL-VL06 TL-VL05 TR-VL05 TR-VL06 TRL-VL10 Tertiary VTCS Left Detector (TL) Tertiary VTCS Right Detector (TR)

Tertiary Vacuum Control 8 x 50 pins Electrical Vacuum feed through connectors Type: #........... VTCS sensor and actuator overview per VELO half Tx-FL01 Tertiary vacuum (44) Tx-BD01 4x Mounting Board (Capacity = 20x PT100 & 2x Heater (2A) per board (48) (47) (37) Tx-PT02 (36) Tx-PT04 Tertiary Vacuum Control Local Control Box Tx-PT03 Tx-VL02 Heater group Tx-HT01 (6x Watlow K010030c500000) Tx-PVL01 Heater group Tx-HT03 (6x Watlow K010030c500000) (46) Tx-PT01 (38) (40) CO2 in and outlet Tertiary vacuum connection to secondary vacuum (45) (39) (41) Electrical Connector Type: 6 pin LEMO (FGG.OB.306.CLAD52) Heater group Tx-HT02 (6x Watlow K010030c500000) Heater group Tx-HT04 (6x Watlow K010030c500000) (27) (24) (31) (28) (35) (32) Electrical Bulkhead Connector Type: 6 pin LEMO (EEG.OB.306.CLL) (25) (29) (33) (26) (30) (34) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (01) = Tx-TT01 (02) = Tx-TT02 …… (48) = Tx-TT48 Temperature sensor labeling: (01) (02) (03) TL-HX1 TL-HX2 TL-HX3 TL-HX4 TL-HX5 TL-HX6 TL-HX7 TL-HX8 TL-HX9 TL-HX10 TL-HX11 TL-HX12 TL-HX13 TL-HX14 TL-HX15 TL-HX16 TL-HX17 TL-HX18 TL-HX19 TL-HX20 TL-HX21 TL-HX22 TL-HX23 TL-HX24 TL-HX25 TL-HX26 TL-HX27 (42) (43) Tx = TL for left detector half and TR for right detector half

VTCS control integration for 1 VELO half Cooling connector Connector onto Evaporator Evaporator Outdoor T-sensors to dummy rep. board Dummy repeater board VTCS local control box Tertiary vacuum control 2x3 P-sensors Evaporator into Module base Evaporator sensors to connector board 2x4 Heaters 2x48 T-sensors Heaters and T-sensors to connector board Module base Cooling plant and control on RB-84 platform T-sensor signal wires P-sensor signal wires Heater power wires Installation direction Connection to bake-out control RF-Box

VTCS Schematic at VELO VELO Cave (View from tunnel) Concentric Transfer tube VTCS Local control boxes VTCS Sensor boards (Dummy repeater) Removable tubing Left Evaporator Connection Right Evaporator Connection Left Detector Right Detector Tertiary Vacuum Control

Quantities for 1 detector half 4x P-sensors TxPT01-TxPT04 4x Shielded cables 6 wire SCEM VTCS Local Control Box Dummy Repeater Board T-Sensor TxTT45-TxTT48 48x T-sensors TxTT01-TxTT48 4x Shielded cables 50 wire SCEM 37x T-Sensor TxTT01-TxTT37 7x T-Sensor TxTT38-TxTT44 T-Sensor TxTT38-TxTT44 4x Heater TxHT01-TxHT04 VTCS Cabling logic at VELO 4x Heater TxHT01-TxHT04 4x Shielded cables 4 wire SCEM Quantities for 1 detector half T-sensor signal wires P-sensor signal wires Heater power wires

Module base thermostatic heating schematics 48 Volt DC Watlow K010030c500000 52.3Ω, 15 Watt max Watlow K010030c500000 52.3Ω, 15 Watt max Watlow K010030c500000 52.3Ω, 15 Watt max Per heater assembly: 48 Volt 34.8 Ω 66 Watt 1,37 A Watlow K010030c500000 52.3Ω, 15 Watt max Watlow K010030c500000 52.3Ω, 15 Watt max Watlow K010030c500000 52.3Ω, 15 Watt max Earth Heater Assembly # Controlled by T-Sensor #: Tx-HT01 Tx-TT38 Tx-HT02 Tx-TT39 Tx-HT03 Tx-TT40 Tx-HT04 Tx-TT41


Evaporator temperature sensor layout at interface board TT01 TT06 TT11 TT16 TT21 TT26 TT31 TT36 TT02 TT07 TT12 TT17 TT22 TT27 TT32 TT37 TT03 TT08 TT13 TT18 TT23 TT28 TT33 Free TT04 TT09 TT14 TT19 TT24 TT29 TT34 Free TT05 TT10 TT15 TT20 TT25 TT30 TT35 Free Free Free Free Free

Detector support sensor and heater layout at interface board TT38 TT43 Free Free Free Free Free Free TT39 TT44 Free Free Free Free Free Free TT40 Free Free Free Free Free Free Free TT41 Free Free Free Free Free Free Free TT42 Free Free Free Free Free Free Free HT01 HT02 HT03 HT04

Acronyms Px- = Primary Cooling System (6-12°C Water) Sx- = Secondary Cooling system (R404a chiller) SA = Secondairy A SB = Secondairy B Tx- = Tertiary Cooling System (CO2 system) TL = Tertiary Left TR = Tertiary Right AC = Accumulator PT = Pressure Transmitter BD = Burst Disc HX = Heat Exchanger HT = Heater FT = Flow Transmitter LT = Liquid Level Transmitter TT = Temperature Transmitter FL = Filter PM = Pump VL = Valve HPL = High Pressure Liquid LPG = Low Pressure Gas SLV = Saturated Liquid Vapor Mixture