Practical Initiatives (GHG/07/45) CO2SINK (EU) IEA GHG (Mike Haines) assisting with information dissemination and public outreach 3 wells drilled and completed early 2007 Completion of all site facilities in September Final baseline seismic in October
Practical Initiatives CO2REMOVE (EU) IEA GHG (Brendan Beck) involved in: Writing and editing guidelines on CO2 storage Best practice database Participants are a consortium of organisations with experience in geological storage of CO2 Progress: waiting for information from various injection sites.
Practical Initiatives MOVECBM (EU) IEA GHG (Toby Aiken) involved in the verification and dissemination of results from the RECOPOL project (Poland) Decommissioning was due to start mid-October (i) Extended testing is under consideration, and (ii) the possibility of work in China.
Practical Initiatives DYNAMIS (EU) IEAGHG (Stanley Santos) working on: Technology assessment Market competitiveness Legal & regulatory issues Dynamis will provide best available technology and site considerations for HYPOGEN. Options based on 400 MWe of electricity and 50 MW of hydrogen.
Practical Initiatives AQUACO2 (EU) No progress POST-COMBUSTION DEMONSTRATION UK Initiative – to be discussed later WEYBURN FINAL PHASE John Gale will attend a ‘kick-off’ meeting in November.