The participation of civil society in the modernization of the Association Agreement between the EU and Chile by Dr. Istvan Komoroczki - - a Hungarian.


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Presentation transcript:

The participation of civil society in the modernization of the Association Agreement between the EU and Chile by Dr. Istvan Komoroczki - - a Hungarian Member in the EESC Employers’ Group, a member in the EU – Chile JCC

Major points on these relations: very good based on AA (2002) but in need of modernization new issues - of political, security, economic, trade, environmental, climate change, gender and human rights’ nature Importance of the trilateral social dialogue - foundation for the economic and social consensus crucial to political & economic dev’ t accompanied by social cohesion. Establishment of the EU-Chile JCC, - a key forum for civil society, contributing to improve our relations - JCC Is the only structured CSO monitoring mechanism, for the modernized AA agreement The EESC calls on the parties to the AA to provide all institutional, political, operational and economic support needed by the Chilean CSO to build up capacity, strength and skills, BILATERAL RELATIONS

BASIC CRITERIA NEEDED FOR ADOPTING A NEW, MODERNIZED AA Respect of core values incl. human rights, gender equality, inclusion and non-discrimination, the participation of CSOs in designing public policies and respect of cultural, economic, social rights. A sound competition and sustainable business development, incl. a fight against climate change, a close cooperation in field of education, research and innovation are also key areas of cooperation by involving CSOs. Regular discussions about the above at JCC meetings are of mutual interest. New modernized AA agreement should foresee concrete financial mechanisms for the JCC allowing it to develop a consultative role in order to be relevant EESC welcomes key role of the EP in maintaining this JCC, - its recent Resolution giving consent to the conclusion of EU-Chile Agr’t on trade in organic products - EP Recom to Council, COM and EEAS on modernization of the trade pillar of the AA

NEED FOR THE MODERNIZATION OF THE EU-CHILE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT EU and Chile agreement (Nov 2014) re. six new dialogues at different levels on: - Education, Energy, Gender, SMEs and clusters, Corporate Social Responsibility, Security and Defence. Following to the conclusions by the Joint WG an IA was compiled by Sec Gen of the EC and the EP started discussing a Report with Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and EEAS Key remarks of this IA Bilateral trade in goods and services have increased between 2003 & 2015, Chile generally benefits from more open trade, Agricultural & food product trade play and important role between the Parties

Key remarks of the IA (continued) Advantages of a Single Investment Chapter instead of Bilateral International Treaties Room for improvement in Public Procurement, Increased opportunities for SMEs, Consumer welfare should Increase but some groups could remain vulnerable, Potential for the modernisation of the AA to reinforce Labour Standards, Opportunities for both parts to strengthen coop on technical and policy cooperation in key environmental areas, Increased trade could positively affect Human Rights protection and could also increase the risk of exacerbating some Human Rights issues, Chile has made progress in complying with Human Rights standards.

MODERNIZATION OF THE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT AND ROLE OF THE ORGANIZED CIVIL SOCIETY A modernized agreement should establish the necessary steps - for increased regulatory transparency & mutual recognition, - incl. provisions to ensure impartiality & respect for the high standards of protection regarding requirements, qualifications and licenses, and - foresee, institutional mechanisms for consultations with all actors especially SMEs and CSOs. Objectives of modernizing the AA are - to deepen EU-Chile relations - by broadening the scope of the AA to reflect new bilateral and global political (deepening of the EU integration process; accession of new EU Member States; evolution of the role of the EU and Chile on the international scene) and the economic challenges.

CRUCIAL ROLE OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY IN MODERNIZING THE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT Role of CSOs in agreements under negotiation and to be negotiated - should be established as a single structure, institutionalized and sufficiently rendered financing enabling the monitoring of the agreements signed, - Principle "a single agreement with a single organ of civil society".   EESC – in favour of promoting regular meetings of representatives of the Chilean and the EU CSOs ---- - incl. academicians, social and economic partners, and NGOs to keep them informed on the implementation of this AA Implications of JCC's mandate in the AA for its work - promoting the EU participatory model based on the dialogue and - the cooperation between economic and social interest groups, and - defending the importance of CSOs (like economic and social committees)

CRUCIAL ROLE OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY IN MODERNIZING THE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT EESC supports a regular exchange of views about and regular monitoring of CSO developments in Chile.   EESC calls for full respect of core values - including human rights, gender equality, inclusion and non-discrimination, the participation of CSOs in the design of public policies and the respect of cultural, economic, social rights, - sound competition and sustainable business development, incl. a fight against climate change, cooperation in field of education, research and innovation as key priority areas for work by involving CSOs

Thank you for your honouring attention. I wish you both a great exchange of views and, of course, a nice stay in the European Capital, Brussels!