Transformation of Silence into Language and Action Getting past fear
Silence What prevents people from speaking up? How can language be made powerful? What role does silence play in our lives in times of strife?
Learning Objectives Understand the purpose of silence Consider how to turn fear into action Think of action in terms of multidimensional agency Understand the complex human components of fear and silence. Consider your positionality within the dialectic of fear and action. Operationalize intersectionality in theorizing about the transformation of silence into a language of action.
Trauma Fear Identity politics Oppression and cultural capital Anticipation of pain Preconditioned aversion to being misunderstood Identity politics Positions individuals within communities that are embedded within structures of privilege and penalty Oppression and cultural capital Dialectic Organizing principle
Mortality Creates priorities Regret Love Pleasures Challenges Experiences Regret Silence Missed opportunities Personal inhibitions
Self-Reflection Puts fear into perspective Allows us to question the source of our fears Can create a contextual understanding beyond the self Can position on to better exercise collective responsiblity What is strength? What are you personal strengths? What are ways in which you and others can grow in strength?
Self-Revelation Tyrannies you swallow day by day Immediate or potential dangers that shape your decisions The confidence/fear matrix that shapes your daily decisions Competency/Incompetent matrix How can you bridge personal/interpersonal/community/intercommunity relationships?
Vulnerability Undermines the value of life Visibility renders one most vulnerable Silence is a natural and acceptable response Visibility may be preferred What is at stake if people remain silent to the existence of oppressive conditions? What are the obstacles to speaking up and speaking out against injustice?
Transforming Silence into Action There is power in language If words have impact, it is important to have an impactful vocabulary How does one develop a compensatory code? All voices that add volume to transformative language and action are vital The human experience is a shared one, however it is important to recognize unique oppressive conditions. Privilege and penalty
Transforming Silence Into Action After conversations and awareness, then what? Tactics Strategy Sustainability
Strategic Plan Align community objectives with tactics Build Strategy with corresponding tactics Community defined issue Identify issue Workable component Develop strategy Develop tactics Identify stake holders Employ tactics to make stakeholders accountable
Strategies Tactics Objective