Historical Antecedents I


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Presentation transcript:

Historical Antecedents I The Machine Age & Modernism An Overview of Key Points in Lovejoy & Kittler


MODERNITY! Historical era characterized by: Master Narratives Nation-state Progress through science and technology Positivism (faith in “the real”) Industrialization/Mechanization The “Rational Subject”

The Mechanization of Labour Began the during the Industrial Revolution and typically credited to the birth of the Cotton Gin Exacerbated by the birth and rise of Taylorism (in the EU) and Fordism (in America) What does this mean for humans?

The Birth of Photography 1838 in Paris and London Indicative of broader socio-cultural desire born out of the renaissance for more accurate looking images. Marked the culmination of numerous technical and scientific developments Bound up with notions of nationhood Top image: Joseph Niepce, View from the Window at Le Gras, 1826 Bottom image: Louis Daguerre, Boulevard du Temple, 1838

Henry Fox Talbot The Pencil of Nature, 1844-46

Photographic Vision

Làszlo Moholy-Nagy, Untitled Portrait. 1926 Làszlo Moholy-Nagy, Untitled Portrait. 1926. Herbert Bayer, The Lonely Metropolitan, 1936

El Lissitzky (1924) The Constructor: Self-Portrait

Alphonse Bertillon & Anthropometry

The “Birth” of Cinema Thaumatrope – 1824 Zoetrope – 1834 (appx.) Zoopraxiscope (1879) Left: Magic Lantern – 17th Century Below: Edison’s Kinescope – 1891, prototype

The Lumière Brothers A Selection of stills from 1895 Lunch at the Lumiere Factory; Arrival of a Train; The Gardner

The birth of cinema draws, again, upon a complex series of socio-cultural desires and technical and scientific development. This history is so complex that it is difficult to parse and map. Despite this epistemological problem, the rise of film has a significant effect on how philosophers conceive of being and time – particularly in relation to humans. These lines of inquiry have metaphysical and ontological implications.

Coming to terms with the machine!! Margo Lovejoy locates TWO tendencies at the beginning of the 20th century, namely: Artists who still embraced traditional materials, practices, and forms, even though their consciousness had been changed by the deep technological shifts brought about by the machine age. Cubists, fauves, and post impressionists Russian Constructivists and Italian Futurists Those who, as a result of it, developed an “anti-aesthetic.” Dadaists

Pablo Picasso (1912) Still-Life with Chair Caning

Etienne-Jules Marey (1884) Chronographe Geometrique

Georges Braque (1913) Nature Morte (Fruit Dish, Ace of Clubs)

Edward Muybridge (1887) Nude Descending a Staircase

Marcel Duchamp (1912) Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2

Giacomo Balla (1912) Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash

Luigi Russolo (1912) Dynamism of a Car Gino Severini (1915) Armoured Train in Action

Vladmir Tatlin: Art has a social purpose! Vladimir Tatlin, Monument to the Third International, 1918-20

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (1928) Untitled

Photograms (1926)

DADA Marcel Duchamp (1917) Fountain Hannah Hoch (1919) Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the last Weimar Beer-belly Cultural Epoch in Germany

Jean Arp (1933) According to the Laws of Chance

Francis Picabia (1915) Portrait of a Young American Girl in a State of Nudity

The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even (Large Glass) 1934 Impossible machinic interface that conflates body and machine Deferential instructions manual, Green Box, outs it as a technical system of absurdities Instantiation of the “desiring machine”, an allegory for profane love (the only kind of love left in the 20th century.

FRIEDRICH KITTLER 1943-2011 German media theorist Began as literary scholar, takes materialist approach to media Famously stated: Media determine our situation. There is no software Key Texts: Discourse Networks 1880/1900 (1985) Gramophone, Film, Typewriter (1986) Optical Media (2002)