Preventing and Responding to VAW 10.00 Welcome and context setting by SFC 10.15 Institutional case studies – Strathclyde, Glasgow and Stirling 11.15 Refreshment break 11.30 Questions for the speakers 11.45 Group discussions – focused on sharing good practice and enhancing collaboration 12.30 Next steps 12.45 Networking lunch 13.30 Close
Preventing and responding to VAW June 14th 2017 Rachel Adamson Senior Policy and Analysis Officer
SFC allocates about £1.6bn in public funds to Scotland’s 19 universities and 25 colleges each year for: Learning and teaching Research and innovation Widening access to further and higher education Other costs such as staff, buildings and equipment Student support funds (for college students) Skills development
Gender Action Plan August 2016 Prevent gender based violence across Scottish Colleges and Universities VAW Transphobic violence Good practice and collaboration
Equally Safe, Scottish Government ‘violent and abusive behaviour directed at women and girls precisely because they are women and girls, carried out predominantly by men. Behaviour that stems from ongoing inequality between men and women, and includes domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, forced marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM) and prostitution’.
Objectives of Equally Safe Positive gender roles are promoted Women and girls are safe, respected and equal in our communities People enjoy healthy, positive relationships and children develop an understanding of safe, healthy, and positive relationships from an early age Individuals and communities recognise and challenge violent and abusive behaviour Women and men have equal access to power and resources Justice responses are robust, swift, consistent and coordinated Women, children and young people access relevant, effective and integrated services Men who carry out violence against women and girls are identified early and held to account by the justice system Service providers competently identify violence against women and girls, and respond effectively to women, children and young people affected Men who carry out violence against women and girls change their behaviour, and are supported to do so Women, children and young people's voices are heard and their rights respected
Case studies University of Strathclyde – Anni Donaldson, ESHE Project Lead University of Glasgow - Erin Ross, Student VP for Student Support University of Stirling – Jill Stephenson, Head of Student Support Services
How do we progress efforts to prevent and respond to violence against women across Scottish HE? What steps will you take on the back of this event to develop your institution’s approach to prevent and respond to VAW?
How do we progress efforts to prevent and respond to violence against women across Scottish HE? What are the key challenges facing institutions in developing their approaches to preventing and responding to violence against women? What opportunities do you think there may be for collaboration between institutions? What role can SFC play in supporting institutions to overcome these challenges and to enhance collaboration?
Next steps Today’s discussion? Strathclyde’s toolkit 13 September: UWS Standing Safe – Understanding GBV 8 November 2017: UUK conference Special Issue of Violence Against Women - ‘Transforming campus cultures: Activism to end gender based violence’.