Chapter 7: Social Behavior and Personality in Infants and Toddlers 7.1 Emotions 7.2 Relationships with Others 7.3 Self-Concept 7.4 Temperament
7.1 Emotions Basic Emotions Complex Emotions Recognizing and Using Others’ Emotions Regulating Emotions
Basic Emotions Happiness, sadness, anger, fear 3 components: feeling, physiology, behavior Common across cultures 7.1 Emotions
Complex Emotions Guilt, embarrassment, and pride Don’t emerge until 24 months, because they depend upon cognitive development Differ across cultures 7.1 Emotions
Recognizing and Using Others’ Emotions Infants often match their own emotions to other’s emotions Social referencing: in unfamiliar or ambiguous environment, infants look to parents for cues to interpret situation 7.1 Emotions
Regulating Emotions Regulation of emotions begins in infancy For example, infants will look away when they encounter something frightening or confusing With age, children develop even more effective strategies 7.1 Emotions
7.2 Relationships with Others The Growth of Attachment Quality of Attachment Onset of Peer Interactions
The Growth of Attachment Attachment: enduring social-emotional relationship Relies upon infant’s growing perceptual and cognitive skills. By about 7 months, have identified a single attachment figure. 7.2 Relationships with Others
Quality of Attachment Types: secure, avoidant, resistant, disorganized Positive consequences of secure attachment in later social relationships Predictable, responsive parenting is important for secure attachment Characteristics of child care and mother affect quality of attachment 7.2 Relationships with Others
Strange Situation
Cross-cultural Data on Attachment
Onset of Peer Interactions Begins around 6 months Around 12 months, start to see parallel play Around 15-18 months, youngsters engage in simple social play Around 24 months, cooperative play begins 7.2 Relationships with Others
7.3 Self-Concept Origins of Self-Recognition Moving Beyond Self-Recognition
Origins of Self-Recognition When do children know they exist? Mirror-task suggests it’s between 18 and 24 months. Other evidence: preference for photos of self and use of pronouns such as “I” or “me” 7.3 Self-Concept
Moving Beyond Self-Recognition 20-28-month-olds who are more self-aware are more likely to say “mine” while playing with toys with other children As toddlers grow, self-concept moves beyond possessions 7.3 Self-Concept
7.4 Temperament What is Temperament? Hereditary and Environmental Contributions to Temperament Stability of Temperament Temperament and Other Aspects of Development
What is Temperament? Consistent mood or style of behavior, like personality Different dimensions (e.g., emotionality, activity, sociability) 7.4 Temperament
Hereditary and Environmental Contributions to Temperament Twin studies show genetic influence Children more likely to have difficult temperaments when mothers are abrupt and lack confidence 7.4 Temperament
Stability of Temperament Temperament is modestly stable throughout infancy and the preschool years An active fetus is more likely to be a difficult, unadaptive infant Newborns who cry under moderate stress tend to cry as 5-month-olds when stressed 7.4 Temperament
Temperament and Other Aspects of Development Various aspects of temperament are related to school success, peer interactions, compliance with parents, accidents, and helping others Influence of temperament depends on environmental influences 7.4 Temperament
Temperament and Helping Behavior