County Longford Local Economic and Community Plan Economic Development & Enterprise SPC Meeting 29th September 2015
Legislation and Guidelines The requirement for the development of a Local Economic and Community Plan is linked directly to the Government’s publication ‘Action Programme for Effective Local Government - Putting People First’ (2012), which has an overarching purpose ‘to promote the well-being and quality of life of citizens and communities’. Local Government Reform Act 2014 (Section 66 as amended); Guidelines on Local Economic & Community Plans(AL1/2015); Guidance Note on Local Economic & Community Plans (AL04/2015); complementary to LDS, vetting by Regional Assemblies. S.42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act (2014); statutory obligation to consider equality & human rights issues Equality & Rights Alliance and LGMA recommend the preparation of an agreed equality and human rights statement.
LECP AIM ‘The purpose of the LECP, as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014, is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of the relevant local authority area, both by itself directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders’. (DoEHLG, 2015)
The LECP is to contain the following: Community development element (prepared and adopted by the LCDC). Economic development element (prepared and adopted by the Economic SPC). Integrated economic and community plan (to be adopted by Longford County Council).
Advisory Steering Group Community Stakeholders Economic Stakeholders LECP INPUT Regional Assembly Municipal Districts Advisory Steering Group Community Economic LECP LCDC Economic SPC Community Stakeholders Economic Stakeholders Public Consultation
Develop the Objectives and Actions LECP PROCESS Stage 1: Preparation Stage 2: Public Participation Stage 3: Develop the Objectives and Actions Stage 4: Finalise the Plan
Work to date - Consultation Emerging Themes:- Job creation and business development . Education, training and skills development. Improvement and provision of services, infrastructure and utilities. Need to capitalise on central location and good road networks. Renewal and Regeneration. Health, safety and well-being. Tourism, culture, arts, leisure and heritage. Inclusion and equality for key target groups.
Socio-Economic Baseline Study Key Findings; e.g. Population, age, household formation, nationality, traveller population, housing, health/disability, education, employment, enterprise, crime, retail, broadband, agriculture; key settlements. Comparative Indicators for Longford and the State; SWOT Analysis; Strength – Central location and good accessibility; Weakness – Inter- regional employment brain drain; Opportunity - Promote natural and cultural heritage; Threat – High Crime Rate.
POLICY CONTEXT OF LECP EU 2020 EU Legislation National Reform Programme 2015 All Relevant National Policy* EU Legislation National Development Plan National Spatial Strategy / National Planning Framework 2016-2026 Regional Planning Guidelines / Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy County Development Plan Local Area Plans LECP High Level Goals Objectives Actions
EU 2020 Targets Employment; Ensure 75% employment of 20– 64-year-olds; Research & Development / Innovation; 3% of the EU GDP to be invested in research and innovation; Education; Reduce school dropout rates to below 10%; At least 40% of 30–34-year olds to complete third level education; Poverty / Social Exclusion; Ensure at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion; Climate Change / Energy; Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%; Provide 20% of our energy needs from renewables; Increase our energy efficiency by 20% (all compared to 1990 levels);
National Reform Programme Employment; Raise to 69-71% the employment rate for those aged 20-64, including through greater participation of young people, older workers and low-skilled workers, and better integration of legal migrants. Research and Development: Raise combined public and private investment levels in this sector to 2.5% of GNP. Education: Reduce the percentage of 18-24 year olds with at most lower secondary education and not in further education and training to 8%; Increase share of 30-34 years olds completing tertiary or equivalent education to at least 60%. Poverty / Social Exclusion Reduce the number experiencing consistent poverty to 2% or less; Reduce by a minimum of 200,000 the population in combined poverty; Climate Change: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the non-traded sector by 20% compared to 2005 levels; Increase the share of renewables in final energy consumption to 16%; Move towards a 20% increase in energy efficiency.
VISION Taking account of the aforementioned the overall Vision of the Longford LECP is :- ‘To support and encourage economic growth and regeneration, and improve quality of life through collaborative and sustainable community and rural development, strengthening sense of place and providing equality of opportunity for all residents of County Longford’.
High Level Goals This is to be supported by the following integrated High Level Goals:- To increase the level and quality of employment and income across all sectors of society; To maximise economic activity, performance and pursue new growth opportunities; To maximise the attractiveness of County Longford as a favourable place in which to live, visit, work and transact business; To improve educational attainment levels and support pathways to economic participation and opportunity; To reduce poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion and promote equality in the community; To improve prosperity, health/well-being and quality of life of the community; To improve the level and quality of community identity and solidarity, civic pride and participation; To ensure protection and enhancement of the environment; To utilise the natural, cultural & built environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
To ensure protection and enhancement of the environment Vision To increase the level and quality of employment and income across all sectors of society To maximise economic activity, performance and pursue new growth opportunities To maximise the attractiveness of County Longford as a favourable place in which to live, visit, work and transact business To improve educational attainment levels and support pathways to economic participation and opportunity To reduce poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion and promote equality in the community To improve prosperity, health/well-being and quality of life of the community To improve the level and quality of community identity and solidarity, civic pride and participation To ensure protection and enhancement of the environment To utilise the natural, cultural & built environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development
4 Weeks Public Consultation Specific, time-bound & measurable actions Next Steps Integrated LECP High Level Goals 4 Weeks Public Consultation Economic Element Specific Objectives Specific, time-bound & measurable actions Economic & Community Elements Shared Objectives Community Element
Example of Logic Model EU 2020 Priority Employment 69-71% of 20-64 year olds to be employed (currently 64.1%) LECP High Level Goal Increased level and quality of employment and income across all sectors of society Sustainable Community Objective* To tackle under-representation of women in employment and entrepreneurship in areas A, B, and C INPUTS ACTIONS OUTPUTS OUTCOMES IMPACTS BODY DATE
‘the first LECPs should be completed by 31 December 2015’. Timeline for the LECP As per the DoEHLG Guidelines (Jan. 2015) it is stated that ‘the first LECPs should be completed by 31 December 2015’.
Monitoring and Review The first iteration of the LECP will be reviewed when the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSESs) are developed (expected in 2016). The review will provide an opportunity to ensure consistency between the LECP and their respective RSESs and will also provide an opportunity to review, amend and re-prioritise LECP high level goals and specific objectives and actions, where this is considered appropriate.
Important Links Dedicated LECP Webpage on Dedicated email address at Any Questions????