NPGEI Utilisation Rapid Assessment Uganda Bureau of Statistics & School of Women and Gender Studies MAK 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Introduction In line with the Global Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 5 target, GoU with support of the UN Women, developed a set of National Priority Gender Equality Indicators (NPGEIs) (UBOS 2016) to monitor progress of gender equality in the country. Under the theme :Illuminating the Path to Gender Equality”- draws and responds to SDG 2030 and NDPII The NPGEIs framework presents a list of gender responsive indicators for the following sectors: Economic, Health, Education, Leadership and Governance, Human Rights, Information and Communication Technology, Energy, Water and Environment, Agriculture and the related metadata 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Introduction… The NPGEIs were developed through a consultative process and endorsed by high level policy makers from MDAs, Civil Society & Academia. The NPGEIs have been integrated in the National Standard Indicator (NSI) Framework and aligned to global commitments towards monitoring gender equality. Hence, utilization of the NPGEIs by all sectors is now the key question 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Purpose With the NPGEIs in place, there is need to promote the use for policy and programming The Assessment is part of a larger program on “Gender Statistics Use for Holistic Gender Equality in Uganda” To establish the uptake of gender statistics in selected 5 sectors What is the level of utilisation so far? Are we facing the right direction? 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Scope Time: The Assessment was carried out from October to November 2017 Content: NPGEIs in 5 sectors: Agriculture, Energy, ICT, Lands & Social Development Location: Kampala and Entebbe (MAAIF) 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Methodology A formal communication was made to the Accounting Officers of the selected Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD) focal persons in the identified MDAs were contacted to identify the respondents. This was done purposively with respect to the survey objective. Respondents: Target 10; threshold 5 from each MDA. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Respondents Respondents by sector and sex Sector Female Male Number % Agriculture 4 40 6 60 10 Energy 3 43 57 7 ICT 38 5 63 8 Lands 50 Social Development Total 18 42 25 58 A total of 43 respondents were interviewed from the 6 (six) sectors. Of these 18 were female and 25 were male. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Key Findings… Awareness about the NPGEIs Forty nine percent of the respondents were aware about the NPGEIs. Awareness about the NPGEIs was highest in the ICT sector, at 75 percent, and least in the Energy sector at 29 percent. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Key Findings… Awareness about the NPGEIs… Overall four of every ten females respondents and six in every ten males were aware. Five in every ten females and males in the Lands and Social development sectors were aware In the Energy sector, only males were aware. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Key Findings… NPGEIs that apply to the Sector as identified by the respondents Sector Indicators Agriculture Land ownership Access to agricultural inputs Access to credit ICT Access to mass media Lands Land use Percentage of gender budgetary allocation of the total ministry budget Social Development Number of elderly persons receiving SAGE by sex The level of appreciation of NPGEI is still sector specific. Accordingly NPGEI does not capture key indicators from the Energy sector. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Key Findings… Respondents able to list the NPGEIs they have used in past 12 months Sector Female Male Number % Agriculture 2 50 3 Energy 1 33 25 ICT 40 Lands Social Development 67 Total 7 39 10 Out of the 43 respondents, only 17 could list the indicators in the NPGEIs they had used in the past 12 months. 39 percent female and 40 percent male. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Key Findings… Use of the NPGEIs The most common use of the NPGEIs is planning Others include Monitoring, Program Review, planning, decision making, evaluation and budgeting. Those below 50 percent include accountability, reconciliation, research and media reporting 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Key Findings… Respondents who got the desired information from the NPGEIs: Close to seven in every ten respondents usually get/got the desired information in the NPGEIs. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Key Findings… Extent of satisfaction of the quality of the NPGEIs Sector Quality Score Agriculture 2.2 Energy 2.0 ICT 3.0 Lands 3.7 Social Development 3.3 Average 2.8 Quality was rated on a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 –not at all, 4- very satisfied. Rating was on relevance, accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, interpretability, comparability and coherence of the NPGEIs On average respondents were satisfied with the quality of the NPGEIs. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Challenges NPGEIs were not widely disseminated Limited scope for some sectors e.g. Energy and Lands Limited production of statistics Limited disaggregation especially in Household surveys. Some indicators not clearly defined thus making it difficult to measure 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Conclusion Awareness about the NPGEIs is relatively LOW – though those aware are satisfied with the quality Uptake of NPGEIs is equally low There is a disconnect between sectors as well as on points of intersection NPGEIs require prime movers across all levels (not the same as focal point) to ensure institutionalisation and embededness 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Recommendations Provide baselines for the NPGEIs Disseminate the NPGEIs further. Carry out sensitization Expand the NPGEIs scope especially in sectors e.g. Energy Expand production of statistics with concrete relevance to the sectors. 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Next Steps Engage key stakeholders at all levels on utilisation of the NPGEIs – with a clear roadmap generated through consultation Make NPGEIs as a living tool for planning, delivery and monitoring Create a holistic chain of gender statistics demand and supply NPGEIs should be indispensable Expand research for gender statistics Long haul perspective is important 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017
High level National Data Forum Thank you! Asante sana 9/11/2018 High level National Data Forum 14th -17th November 2017