Every living thing is made of CELLS
When an organism grows do the cells get BIGGER or MULTIPLY?
MITOSIS is for growth and . . . Seed to Plant Sapling to Tree Lamb to Ewe Calf to Cow
Skinned knees repair broken leg Curling iron burn
Cells that make up our body tissues and organs are called SOMATIC
Mitosis is the division of somatic cells
Mitosis makes new IDENTICAL cells
The part of a cell controls the function of that particular cell nucleus
perform specialized tasks in the cell, but are located outside of the nucleus – things like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus organelles
What is the thick liquid that holds the specialized parts of the cell in place cytoplasm
What is the outer layer of the cell called that separates the cell from other cells and lets nutrients in and waste out? CELL MEMBRANE
What is an example of a cell that does NOT undergo mitosis once it is mature? nerve cell
Why do some people’s hair and fingernails grow faster than others? MITOTIC RATES VARY FROM PERSON TO PERSON
an example of a cell that reproduces every 30 minutes BACTERIA E. coli
Adult skin cells divide about every 24 hours
A cell CYCLE begins with a stage called INTERPHASE
During interphase stage the organelles produce energy and protein
The organelles Duplicate themselves
Also ________________is duplicated DNA
Eukaryotic cells have a distinct _____________________, unlike the ____________________ cell that has no membrane around its nucleus. NUCLEUS PROKARYOTIC
What do the letters DNA stand for DEOXIROBONUCLEIC ACID
molecules join together to make up a complex strand called a chromosome
The number of chromosomes in each nucleus of each cell are even because chromosomes exist in PAIRS
Cells that have the FULL number of chromosomes are called _________________ cells diploid
If a cell has only HALF the number of chromosomes (not pairs, but individual), the cell is called a ________________ cell HAPLOID
Cells containing only HALF the number of chromosomes for an organism are produced for organism ________________________ which is NOT mitosis, but ______________________ reproduction MEIOSIS
The shape of chromosomes in the beginning of mitosis is LONG THIN STRANDS called CHROMATIN
The duplicated chromosomes join together at a CENTRAL point called a centromere
The name of the chromosome is then changed to the term chromatid
Original cell is referred to as the PARENT CELL Mitosis terms to know Original cell is referred to as the PARENT CELL
The new cells are DAUGHTER CELLS Mitosis terms to know The new cells are DAUGHTER CELLS
Pairs of chromosomes from the original cells are SISTER CHROMATIDS Mitosis terms to know Pairs of chromosomes from the original cells are SISTER CHROMATIDS
Recall from the CELL CYCLE that the Interphase is the longest phase in the cell
In the PROPHASE chromatin goes FROM a tangled ball of strands to INDIVIDUAL condensed chromosomes.
Animal cells have ________________ that move to opposite ends of the cell and form distinct poles. CENTRIOLES
Plant cells do ________have centrioles. NOT
The centrioles produce tiny fibers that span across the cell between the two poles – this forms a ___________________. And the nuclear membrane begins to SPINDLE BREAKDOWN
DISOLVING CENTER CENTROMERE METAPHASE During METAPHASE the nuclear membrane finishes __________________________ and the chromatids align at the ____________________________ of the spindle. The spindle fibers attach to each ___________________________ DISOLVING CENTER CENTROMERE
ANAPHASE CHROMOSOMES CENTROMERE The chromatids separate into _________________ when the spindle fibers pull them apart at the CHROMOSOMES CENTROMERE
OPPOSITE sides of the cell called POLES. ANAPHASE Each identical set of new chromosomes move to OPPOSITE sides of the cell called POLES.
The spindle fibers __________________ during TELOPHASE The spindle fibers __________________ during BREAKDOWN TELOPHASE
The chromosomes elongate and become tangled in a ball of CHROMATIN
A nuclear envelope forms around the separate sets of CHROMOSOMES
This is called CYTOKINESIS And the cell cycle begins again The rest of the cell now divides. The cytoplasm divides as the cell membrane pinches inward cutting the cell in half. This is called CYTOKINESIS And the cell cycle begins again