Overview of the Meeting UNESCO-KIGEPE-UNDP ROK Workshop on Gender Responsive Budget A GENIA Sub-regional Capacity Building initiative for South, South East and East Asia (3-5 December 2008, Seoul, Republic of Korea) Overview of the Meeting
Meeting Objectives To introduce and train GENIA members on the theory and practice of gender responsive budget and its application to the education sector budget; To discuss strategies for mainstreaming gender in the education sector budget in the Ministry of Education; To raise awareness among finance and budget personnel of the Ministry of Education on gender issues in education; and To develop and strengthen partnerships between GFPs and Department of Finance and/or Budget and Planning to mainstreaming gender in the education sector.
Expected Outcomes Participants have gained a first-hand knowledge and understanding on the theory and practices of gender responsive budget Increased understanding of gender issues in education by the education finance and budget officers Follow-up action plans developed for institutionalization of gender responsive budget concept and technique in the education sectors in the participating countries Sub-regional and inter-country cooperation strengthened among GFPs and education finance/budget personnel at the sub-regional and national levels
Programme – Day 1 “Warming up – updating our knowledge base on gender in education” Gender Focal Points: Business meeting on GENIA Finance Officers: Orientation on gender concepts and issues PM: Overview on the Situation of Gender in the region as seen from the GMR 2009 Introduction to gender responsive budgeting Sharing of experiences in GRM in the region Reception hosted by KIGEPE- UNDP ROK
Programme – Day 2 “Getting started with Gender Responsive Budgeting” Sharing of country experience on gender budgeting (Indonesia) Introduction on GRB analysis tools PM: Group activity Practicing GRM analysis tool (“Time Use Analysis”) Developing a Gender Budget Statement Budget Game (role play)
Programme – Day 3 “Putting theory into action” Group work presentation on gender responsive budgeting activities Developing action plan and strategies for introducing GRB in your ministries Country team work PM: Country team presentation Discussion on work plan and next steps Closing
On the concurrent sessions…
Group A: Orientation on gender issues in education for finance officers (@ KIGEPE) Understanding the concept of gender in general and the issues of gender in education Gender equality vs gender parity Deeper understanding of EFA Goals and EFA Goal 5 Gender analysis tools: the gender lens How does an education system look like when analyzed from a gender perspective
Group B: GENIA GFP business meeting (@ KWDI) Review of the GENIA programme activities for 2008 Updates by GFPs on gender mainstreaming efforts in MOE and education sector Discussion on the work plan and potential activities for 2009 AOB