How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship God cares about how He is worshipped God seeks worshippers – John 4:23 Those worshippers must worship in “spirit and truth” God gives us guides to follow but freedom – Leviticus 10:1-7
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship is about God and His Son Focuses on the nature and character of God Focus of the worshipper is on Jesus Christ through the cross - Hebrews
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship is our whole lives We exist to glorify God – Rom. 12:1,2 Never associated with congregational gathering but rather is life of believer We can not separate worship and everyday living
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship is hearing, understanding, and responding to God and His Word Scripture is at the center of worship – Romans 10:17 We want to engage our whole being in worship
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship involves our emotions and will This only follows the truth of Scripture centered in the cross “ Love that stoops down is grace & love that looks up is worship” - Barnhouse
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Corporate worship is the business of the church assembled Not prescribed in the New Testament the same as in the Old Testament Externals are no longer emphasized as in the Old Testament
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship should edify the congregation – use 1 Corinthians 12-14 as a ruler. Hebrews 10:25 When we are focused on God in worship, then the byproduct of that is building up one another – Mark 12:28-31
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship is not based on a certain musical style The God we sing about is more important than the music that directs us What brings us together is more important than what can separate us
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship is Active!!!!! We have a responsibility to participate Sincerity is based on our hearts and not on spontaneity or rote liturgy Amen Does music cause focus of message and participation
How Shall We Then Worship? A Summary of Worship Worship is worth our preparation What do you do to prepare yourself? Do you come looking to glorify God together or to fell better about you? Corporate worship is your future – Revelation 21:16
How Shall We Then Worship? Application How in the world are you!!! Is your entire life focused on worshipping the God of the universe who saved you at the cost of His own Son’s life. If not what is your plan!