Quality of Life and Social Quality “Equity matters!” Inclusive Promotion of Health and Wellbeing Quality of Life and Social Quality A multi-level framework Richard Pieper and Marja Vaarama University of Eastern Finland Presentation at the ISQOLS 2017 Conference Innsbruck, Austria, September 28-30, 2017 Contact: richard.pieper@uef.fi marja.vaarama@uef.fi www.promeq.fi
The problem: there are many models of QoL and corresponding measurements but missing: general model or meta-model mediating the comparison between different theoretical and disciplinary approaches by providing conceptual links grounded in theory, but focusing on modelling bridging the conceptual gaps between Subjective Wellbeing (SWB), individual QoL and Social Quality, supporting application in service and technology design and social policy and providing tools for not only quantitative but also qualitative modelling
Definition of Quality of Life Quality of Life is the extent to which persons enjoy a good life by achieving a balance in their actions and in their relations with themselves and with others through creating and sustaining adequate conditions and own potentials over the life course. For reference see: Marja Vaarama / Richard Pieper (2014)
Introducing the Meta-Model of QoL and Social Quality In the following presentation, no detailed discussion is possible, instead we focus on: Ruut Veenhoven’s well-known model of “Four Qualities of Life” some key elements of the general model using diagrams connection to a diversity of theoretical and practical approaches pointing out some further extensions of the general model. Implicitly and without explicit discussion in this context: an argument for a theory-guided, diagrammatic strategy in QoL modelling. For reference see: Marja Vaarama / Richard Pieper (2008, 2014)
Introducing the general SOLA model of QoL and Social Quality
Diagram of the Veenhoven model and feedback loops
Diagram of the Veenhoven model and the “4A’s” of coping adaptation assimilation accommodation affect regulation coping by selecting a different environment developing own competencies re-evaluating activities searching for a new emotional balance
Expanding the model: Subjective Well-Being and objective QoL Example: Livability factor or environmental dimension
Individual QoL and Social Quality: 4 Dimensions / 3 Levels: environmental dimension social security resources services economy living sense environment of comfort s afety capability control organisational structures functional & competence processes empowerment f unctional dimension emotions psycho - feelings logical trust networks well being institutional responsiveness social cohesion affective dimension social dimension inclusion identity values norms life relations meaning Subjective QoL Quality of Life Environmental relations System potentials ”Means” ”Ends” Social Quality Subjective QoL (inner circle) ”inner world” actor specific sense of living Quality of Life (mid circle) ”experienced world” actor specific actions, objects and others Social Quality (outer circle) ”outer world” Involving other actors and societal conditions
Individual QoL, risks, life events and Social Quality person/system-related dimensions environment-related dimensions Culture Capital / Rights Social Capital Political Capital Economic Capital Social Cohesion Social Empowerment Social Inclusion Social Security environment + resources life meaning functional competence pychological well-being safety life comfort satisfaction sense of emotional control feelings Quality of Life subjective QoL psycho- social well-being economic resources functional abilities social relations, life style mental health conditions / risks loss of income or home acute illness, disability loss of social relation emotional stress, sorrow life events person- environement- fit Institutional Capital “means“ / instrumental “ends” / goals Social Quality
Summarizing: The general model offers comparisons of Qol models across theoretical approaches bridging the conceptual gaps between QoL, SWB and Social Quality with one conceptual framework across levels a method for diagrammatic modelling supporting communication and practical applications
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