Tom Brennan quotes Reid and Eren
Some folk seemed okay and some just stared when they passed you, but in the end it got too much, waiting for someone to spit on your face.
The things I’d once lived for now meant nothing to me.
At that moment I didn’t care what he did, I didn’t care if I never saw him again
Daniel Brennan was an accident waiting to happen
I could tell the old man had gone into automatic pilot, just answering the questions that were thrown at him.
She was crying and held a bunch of tissues to her nose
Maybe dad was telling the truth, maybe she had just gone to bed and was waiting to hear how my first day went
So as not to remind them of their pain and what our family now meant to this town
Tom mate, I’m shocked, we’re all shocked.
Even if I let you have it, you wouldn’t know what to do with it.