Act I (key quotes) Introduction The Second Vote: Another Vote: Judge’s voice: You are faced with a grave responsibility. (p.6) 8th Juror: It’s no easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy off to die without talking about it first. (p.12) The Second Vote: 4th Juror: Everyone has a breaking point (p.17) 5th Juror: There is something personal! (p.18) 8th Juror: People make mistakes (p.20) 9th Juror: It’s only one night. A boy may die. (p.25) Another Vote: 3rd Juror: There are no secrets in a jury room (p.26) 11th Juror: I have always thought that in this country a man was entitle to have unpopular opinions. (.27) 9th Juror: It’s not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others (p.28) 8th Juror: He can’t hear you. He never will. 11th Juror: Facts may be coloured by the personalities if the people who present them
Act I (key quotes) Third Vote: The Re-enactment: 11th Juror: I don’t believe I have to be loyal to one side or another (p.39) 8th Juror: Maybe all these things are so. But maybe they’re not (p.40) 10th Juror: You’re making out like it don’t matter what people say. (p.40) The Re-enactment: 3rd Juror: He’s got to burn, We’re letting him slip through our fingers (p.47) 8th Juror: You want to see this boy die because you personally want it, not because of the facts (p.47)
Act II (and key quotes) Fourth Vote: Fifth Vote: 11th Juror: We have nothing to gain or lose by our verdict. This is one of the reasons we are strong. We should not make it a personal thing (p.50) 3rd Juror: Let’s see who stands where (p.50) 3rd Juror: You took an oath in the courtroom (p.54) 7th Juror: I’m tellin’ ya they’re all alike. He comes over to this country running for his life and before he can even take a big breath he’s telling us how to run the show. (p.55) Fifth Vote: 11th Juror: In discussing such a thing as the murder potential w should remember that many of us are capable of murder. But few of us do. We impose controls on ourselves to prevent it (p.59) 7th Juror: All this yakkin’s gettin’ us nowhere... (p.62) 11th Juror: You have no right to play like this with a man’s life. This is a terrible and ugly thing to do. (p.63)
Act II (and key quotes) Unanimous Vote: 10th Juror: They are different. They think different. They act different. (p.64) 8th Juror: ... Prejudice obscures the truth (p.66) 8th Juror: But we have a reasonable doubt, and this is a safeguard that has enormous value in our system. (p.66) 3rd Juror: I don’t care whether I’m alone or not. It’s my right (p.71)