Key Vocabulary Write sentences using these words ( at least two in a sentence ) menace attire plebeian wrath ponder avenge don furrowed bribe
1. plebeian (noun, countable) - An insulting word for someone who is from a lower social class - An ordinary person who had no special rank in Ancient Rome (opp patrician) 2. surge (verb) - To suddenly move very quickly in a particular direction 3. seethe (verb) = fume - to feel an emotion, especially anger, so strongly that you are almost shaking
4. wrath (noun) – extreme anger 5. indignation (noun) – feelings of anger and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated 6. solemnly (adv) – performed in a very serious way 7. shrill (adj) – high and unpleasant (sounds) 8 menace (noun) = threat – something or someone that is dangerous 9. sly (adj) – someone who is sly cleverly deceives people in order to get what they want
10. avenge (verb) – to do something to hurt or punish someone because they have harmed or offended you 11. bribe (noun) – money or a gift that you illegally give someone to persuade them to do something for you 12. don (verb) – to put on a hat, coat, etc 13. furrowed (adj) = wrinkled 14. ponder (verb) – to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, etc = consider 15. attire (noun) formal - clothes
THE TALE OF THE STAIRS By Hristo Smirnenski Dedicated to all who will say: "It was nothing to do with me!“ 1923 Activity - Jigsaw reading
After Reading Discussion 1. Why did the young man feel unhappy in the beginning of the story? What was the problem? 2. How did it happen that the young man changed his attitude to life? 3. Could this story happen in your life and how? Homework: If you were the young man from the tale how would you handle the problem that he faces?