Elementary Summer School School Board Update May 8th, 2017
Best Practices in Summer School As we examine best practices in the area of Summer School we find components that are consistent; small class size parent/guardian engagement, consistent attendance opportunities for individualized instruction focus on academic language experiential in design highly engaging focus on addressing the opportunity gap.
What has that meant for our programming? The Bloomington Public Schools' Summer School is an engaging, thematic, language rich program in which essential ELA and Mathematics standards are embedded. Week-long, theme-based units of study have been developed by BPS teachers and staff. Four units were developed during the Spring of 2016 and four additional units have been developed during the 2016-17 school year.
2017 Weekly Thematic Units: Collaboratively developed by Bloomington Teachers Week 1 - Weather Week 2 - Animals Week 3 - Space Week 4 - Amusement Parks
Attendance 393 students attended 74% of the students attended at least 95% of the time Inline with district average at our elementary sites
2017 Update 535 students who are attending Our goal is to increase the number of students who attend at least 95% of the time
Teacher report on student engagement: Not engaging Highly engaging
Evaluation of Success We will be working with the Research and Evaluation department to further evaluate success by; Looking at a matched sample analysis comparing students who attend summer session and those who were invited but did not attend. We will use fall MAP scores, fall semester attendance and outcome variables. Additionally, we will replicate the analysis study in the spring to look at year long growth.
Success Data We will be working with the Research and Evaluation department to further evaluate success by; Attendance Students who attended the summer experience have since attended school at a 95.8% rate Students who were invited to the summer experience, but did not attend, have attended school at a 90.5% rate MAP Scores and matched sample analysis will be available after school year