IBM Data Server Gateway for OData Sujan S Ghosh Arvind Gupta
Agenda What is OData Executive Summary Usage scenario Broad Adoption and types of data sources accessed by OData OData Libraries Architecture of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData Service details of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData Benefits of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData Release bundle Demo Q & A
What is OData Open Data Protocol OASIS standard based on best practices of building RESTful APIs IBM is a foundational sponsor for OASIS IBM is a member of OData Technical Committee OData is a Web API that emulates SQL on Web protocols No database driver required Different data sources expose data. OData ecosystem rich with libraries Backed by an Open Standards body with leading organizations like IBM, Microsoft and SAP.
Executive Summary What is the problem? What is IBM’s solution today? Customers want to access Data from non traditional platforms like Mobile platforms, from mobile apps (Android, Windows, iOS, etc) And in some cases want to publish access to data to 3rd parties Mobile and Cloud developers expect direct HTTP (API based) access to data – without requiring Database Drivers What is IBM’s solution today? IBM Data Server Gateway for Odata is IBM’s initiative to provide OData Solution for its Data Servers without requiring any new client drivers. What is being delivered: OData is standards based way for our customers to leverage DB2, and dashDB in modern Cloud and Mobile Application Models Delivery mechanism is part of DS Driver packages with DB2 Mod, IBM has released the 1st version of "IBM Data Server Gateway for OData" with DB2 V11 Mod 1 ( v11.1m1fp1 ). User can download it from
OData Usage scenario OData is useful for exposing all types of data Enterprise, Government, Consumer, Healthcare, Custom Data Why do people use OData Simple data consumption Provide access to data from any platform/device without requiring client drivers Consumer-oriented conceptual data model Interoperability Leverages ecosystem of existing tools, apps, libraries Rich, Mature Specification Encapsulates best practices for building robust Rest services
Broad Adoption and types of data sources accessed by OData Marketing Applications Customer Engagement ERP/Core systems Data Warehouses Big Data Including many OData SaaS Producers
ODATA - Libraries Client side SDKs across all main platforms that allow applications easy access to OData data sources in a common way without requiring any separate driver. Platform Libraries Java & Scala SDL OData Frameworks, OdataJClient, Apache Olingo, odata4j .NET ASP.NET Web API 2.2, Edmlib, OData Client for .NET, Simple.OData.Client for OData V1-4 JavaScript Node-OData, o.js, OpenUI5, JayData, datajs, Breeze.js Windows Phone 8, Silverlight 5, iOS and Android Simple.OData.Client for OData V1-4 Python ODataPy Objective-C (iOS) Simple.OData.Client for OData V1-4, ODataStore for CoreData, Odata4ObjC C++ ODataCpp
Architecture of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData
Service details of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData - 1 Publish OData V4.0 REST API endpoints/Services for selected database tables. Support for CRUD operations GET (SELECT) POST (INSERT) PUT (UPDATE a full row) PATCH (UPDATE selected columns in a row) DELETE (Delete a row) Query the table using OData service URL Example : Service URL : http://localhost:9080/ODataOne/ODataService/SAMPLE- 350449224c504596b1c9561500dc3d1f/ Query the table EMPS where EMPID is 11 <<URL>>/EMPS(11)
Service details of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData - 2 URL Option $top – To fetch the top N entities. URL Option $filter – To apply selection criteria on a GET e.g. 'contains', 'gt', 'lt'. URL Option $select - To select specific columns from table. URL Option $count - To count the number of rows present in table. Select the top two rows from table EMPS <<URL>>/EMPS?$top=2 Select the employee details for EMPNAME Alex <<URL>>/EMPS?$filter=contains(EMPNAME,'Alex') Select the EMPNAME for EMPID 11 FROM EMPS table <<URL>>/EMPS(11)?$select=EMPNAME Count the # of rows for EMPS table <<URL>>/EMPS?$count=true
Service details of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData - 3 JSON and XML request/response payload are supported Support for all data types except LOBs (CLOB, BLOB, DBCLOB) and XML. Persistence of REST API endpoints/services in Derby database. Authentication and Authorization during OData REST API endpoints/services generation. SSL support Example : Payload in JSON Select the EMPNAME for all employee from table EMPS <<URL>>/EMPS?$select=EMPNAME&$format=JSON {"@odata.context":"$metadata#EMPS(EMPNAME)","value": [{"EMPNAME":"Amanda"},{"EMPNAME":"Reene"},{"EMPNAME":"Yash"}, {"EMPNAME":"Mac"},{"EMPNAME":"Ashok"},{"EMPNAME":"Amanda10"}, {"EMPNAME":"Amanda11"},{"EMPNAME":"Amanda12"}, {"EMPNAME":"Amanda15"},{"EMPNAME":"Amanda16"}]}
Benefits of IBM Data Server Gateway for OData Publish OData V4.0 REST API endpoints/Services for DB2 data servers. No database driver required Standardized way to leverage DB2 Access Data using modern REST APIs Reduce time, cost and barriers to make data open. Reduces the overall complexity of an n-tier application
Release bundle IBM Data Server Gateway for OData is released in two formats Integrated with WebSphere Liberty profile IBM Data Server Gateway for OData release is integrated with WebSphere Liberty Profile Application server. It is configured with a default server that enables you to quickly start the server and get started. WAR file IBM Data Server Gateway for OData is also released as a war file that can be deployed to any Java servlet container (Application server) of your choice.
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