Ethiopian dilemma Short term vs long term benefits (poverty is at the heart of the dilemma) Prevention vs rehabilitation ( too much focus on rehabilitation) Intensification with diversification vs intensification with specialization (focus on intensification with specialization) 2 m
Drivers Policy Technology Market Demography Sequential or holistic Package Specific Sector specific Technology Exporting nutrients, resources etc. Market Population size demographic structure Demography
ALTER PROJECT WP4. Delivery of development and academic impact WP1. Understand socio-economic relationships between soils and poverty WP2. Assess the capacity of the soil to supply ecosystem services WP3. Assess the effectiveness of mechanisms to alleviate poverty through soil carbon
Pro-poor soil carbon investment options promoted Impact Outcomes Results Activities Pro-poor soil carbon investment options promoted Policy makers get informed Relationship between poverty, livelihoods and soil ecosystem services recognized Drivers of land use changes identified Potential of above and below ground carbon management options identified Barriers to adoption of management practices known Market based mechanisms evaluated Condition for adoption of soil conservation investment facilitated Household, institutional, biophysical related factors identified Research activities
Poverty / Livelihoods Soil Ecosystem Dependence (WP1.1) Understand Measure Drivers (WP1.2) Behaviours Decisions Barriers (WP1.4) Instruments (WP1.5) Policy Markets Potentials (WP1.3) Above-ground Below-ground Trend analysis Scenario analysis Economic models Focus groups Interviews Ostromian framework CBA Env’tal valuation Expt. economics Expt. analysis Conjoint models Revealed & stated preference SLA Surveys Participatory methods New data Apply methods Develop models
Quantitative data Qualitative data Participatory wealth ranking Poverty and ecosystem Land allocation decision Choice in soil management measures Adoption barriers of soil management Participatory wealth ranking Restoration area Benefit and dis-benefit of restoration areas Climate change Photo voice Drivers for land use change Farm management ex-anti plan and ex-post Quantitative data Qualitative data
Impact pathways strategies 1. Organizing workshops (local + regional) To provide feedback to the communities about the findings and the implication of the various studies (avoiding the problem of data mining) To provide evidence to policy makers for possibility of action
2. Reports, leaflets etc. Sharing reports Preparing story telling leaflets Using local mass media
3. Scientific publications Modeling smallholders soil management options –submitted Multidimensional poverty – ready to submit Befit and dis-benefit from restoration areas – ready for publication The link between dependency on ecosystem services an poverty Barriers to soil conservation measures
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