Botanicals Inhibited Fusarium Pathogens of Millet Seedlings AKANMU, A. O1, ABIALA, M. A*1 AIYELAAGBE, O. O2, POPOOLA, A. R3 AND ODEBODE, A. C. 1 1 Department of Botany, University of Ibadan, P, M. B. 128 U.I. P. O. Ibadan, Nigeria 2Department of Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria 3Department of Crop protection, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Nigeria ABIALA MOSES University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Nysc Maize Farm in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.
Introduction Millet For agricultural systems and food security (Josep, 2001) Threat of Fusarium Pathogens to; Cereals and other food crops (Leslie and Summerrell, 2006) Millet seedlings in South-western Nigeria (Int. Journal of Plant Pathology- Accepted ) Control of Fusarium pathogens Physical, chemical and cultural methods The use of botanicals (Lakshman and Dilip, 2006) Human and Environmentally Friendly Readily Available Affordable Objective of the study Phytofungicidal effects of botanical extracts on Fusarium pathogens of millet seedlings
Figure1: Map of Southwestern Nigeria for collection of soil samples Materials and Methods Millet Seed - Botanical Extracts (Mangifera indica and Jatropha curcas were used at 15%, 30% and 45% (mg/ml) In-vitro antagonistic effect (Odebode, 2006) In-vivo antagonistic effect (Ros et al., 2005) Design: CRD with three replications Data Collection and Analysis Using appropriate tools and equipment ANOVA with Minitab version15 (2011) Percentage mycelial growth inhibition Disease incidence (Michel et al.,1997) Disease severity (Gwary et al., 2006) Growth parameters Plant height, Stem girth, Number of leaves and Leaf area Figure1: Map of Southwestern Nigeria for collection of soil samples
Table 1: Percentage mycelial growth inhibition by botanical extracts Pathogen Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 15% 30% 45% M. indica F. anthophilum 3.00cd 2.88abc* 2.88bc* 5.15cde 4.48a** 4.98cde 6.73bc 7.18c 6.30cd F. verticilloides 2.55** 2.60a** 2.08** 4.50a*** 4.45bcd* 6.30ab 6.30a** 6.10bcd F. oxysporum 2.95bcd 2.90abc* 2.85bc* 5.25def 5.20bc 4.98cde* 6.70bc** 7.38bc 7.28de F. scirpi 2.83bc* 4.88bcd** 5.38bc 5.18e* 6.50abc*** 7.10bc 7.45de J. curcas 2.90bc* 2.93bc 1.88a** 4.95bcd 5.00ab 3.53a*** 6.80bc 6.70abc 5.40b** 2.73b 2.73a** 4.68b 4.75ab 3.10a*** 6.65bc 6.75abc 4.30a*** 2.83abc* 2.08a** 5.08cde 4.68ab* 4.00abc** 6.98bcd* 6.93bc 6.00bcd* 2.98bcd 2.28a** 5.10cde* 4.58a** 4.18bcd* 6.33ab* Control 2.95bc 4.85b 4.85ab 4.85cde 6.05a 6.05ab 6.05bcd 2.62a 2.62abc 5.90a 5.90bc 5.15abc 5.15de 7.33cd 7.33bc 7.33de 5.28def 5.28bc 7.55de 7.55bc Means by the same letter across the column do not differ significantly ( p< 0.05) Values represented by ( * ) shows significant ( p< 0.05) differences.
Plate 1: In-vitro effect of J. curcas on F. verticillioides Control 30% 45% Plate 1: In-vitro effect of J. curcas on F. verticillioides
Controls Figure 2: Disease incidence after treatment with plant extracts (M. oleifera, M. esculenta & S. alata)
Controls Figure 3: Disease severity after treatment with botanical extracts (M. oleifera, M. esculenta & S. alata)
Comparative effect Fig 8: Effect of botanical extracts on percentage growth of millet seedlings
Figure 4: Botanical extracts as growth promoter to millet seedlings Plant height Stem girth BOTANICALS Leaf area 30% 45% Number of leaves Figure 4: Botanical extracts as growth promoter to millet seedlings
Conclusion and Recommendations Jatropha curcas and Mangifera indica significantly (p<0.05) inhibited F. anthophilum, F. verticilloides, F. scirpi and F. oxysporum . Generally, it is presumed qualitatively that J. curcas and M. indica contains some compounds which may be utilized as phytofungicide to control Fusarium pathogens and, As phytofertilizer to enhance millet seedlings growth in Nigeria.