Review & Activity Notes The Olympians Review & Activity Notes
Odyssey Background The Epic Characteristics of the Epic Epic Hero Archetypes In literature, an archetype (“first of its kind”) is a typical character, an action or a situation that seems to represent such universal patterns of human nature. An archetype, also known as universal symbol, may be a character, a theme, a symbol or even a setting. Epic Plot Epic Themes Epic Setting
Odyssey Background The Language of Homer Reading the Epic Reading the Epic as a Narrative Reading the Epic as Poetry Reading the Epic within the Context of its Time Examining Homeric Epics
12/5 PANTHEON Translation: temple of every god Group: all the gods of a people or religion Building: a temple dedicated to all the gods
Meet the Olympians
Introduction Notes: Deity - a supernatural being, like a god or goddess, who controls some aspect of the world (means "divine nature”)
Zeus Notes: Scepter - a long decorated stick carried by a king or queen that is a symbol of power
Hera Notes: Lotus – symbolizes rising from a dark place (muddy water) into beauty and rebirth (white and pink blossoms)
Poseidon Notes: Trident – three-pronged instrument or weapon
Hades Notes: Cerberus - 3-headed dog who guards the entrance to Hades (hound of hell)
Hades Notes: Persephone Notes: Persephone – Goddess of the Underworld, Springtime, Flowers, and Vegetation Symbols: the pomegranate, seeds of grain, torch, flowers, and deer Zeus’ daughter Mother: Demeter
Hades Notes: Demeter Notes: Demeter – Goddess of Agriculture, Fertility, and the Harvest Symbols: cornucopia, wheat, torch, bread Zeus’ sister
Ares Notes: Ares- Hated by his father, Zeus, because of his savagery
Apollo Notes: Leto – Zeus’ lover. She was a Titan (divine beings overthrown by the Olympians); Zeus is descended from Titans Notes: Lyre-a string instrument similar to a small harp
Aphrodite Notes: Myrtle- symbolizes love and immortality, used medicinally for over 3,000 years
Eros Notes: Eros-one of the winged love gods, his Roman counterpart is Cupid
Athena Notes: Olive Tree- an olive tree symbolizes peace, prosperity, victory, resurrection and hope
Hermes Notes: Maia- a mountain nymph, eldest and most beautiful of the Pleiades (Seven Sisters Star Cluster)
Dionysus Notes: Dionysus- Son of Zeus and Semele, a mortal priestess
Dionysus Notes: Hephaestus Notes: Hephaestus- God of Fire, Metal Working, Stone, Masonry, Forges, the Art of Sculpture, and Blacksmiths Symbol: the hammer, anvil, and tongs
Conclusion: Mount Olympus Peak: Mytikas
12/6 The term demi-god originates from the Latin semideus ("half-god“). The term can refer to a minor deity, a mortal who is part god/human, or a figure who has attained divine status after death.
Sun god, raises cattle on Thrinacia Odyssey Characters Character Name God/Goddess Human/Other Description Friend (Help) Foe (Hinder) 1. Helios God Sun god, raises cattle on Thrinacia LEAVE BLANK 2. Zeus …
Questions Am I am god or goddess? Is my symbol a ______________? There are other characters (man/beast). Is my symbol a ______________? Is my weapon a _____________? Is my bird a ________________? Is my father/mother _________? Is my garb _________________?