Ancient Rome
Early people in Italy Latins- Lived in Italy from about 1500 B.C. to 1000 B.C. Spoke Latin Greeks- Colonized Italy around 800 B.C., came from Troy Greeks spread culture and alphabet
Etruscans Early Civilization Located in the North Of Italy. Developed the city of Rome Also gave Etruscan dress- the Toga to Rome
Roman Republic 509 B.C. the Romans overthrew the Etruscans and established a Republic Republic- A government with a leader and some citizens having the right to vote
Groups in Rome Rome was divided into 2 groups Patricians- Wealthy landowners who became Rome’s ruling class. Plebeians- farmers, craftsmen, and merchants; could vote but not run for office.
Politics Consuls- two elected officers ran the government Praetor- In charge of laws that managed citizens Roman Senate- Made up of 100 Patricians who voted for laws in Rome.
Roman Expansion First Punic War- Rome v. Carthage Carthage is located in Northern Africa Both Armies wanted control of Sicily Rome created a strong navy and overpowered Carthage.
2nd Punic War Carthage vows revenge, led by General Hannibal Hannibal led an huge army, horses and Elephants through the Alps Battle of Cannae-Hannibal defeated a 40,000 Roman Army big roman loss
End of the War Hannibal roamed Italy damaging Rome Battle of Zama-Rome finally defeats Hannibal under the leadership of Scipio in 202 B.C. near Carthage 146 B.C. Rome sacked and burned Carthage