Bellringer What are the top priorities for current U.S. immigration policies?
Citizenship Unit—1 Part—3 Pgs.— 26-33
Before—Guess the Lesson End Before—Guess the Lesson
Guess the Lesson—Possible Answers States Federal Government Monarchy Dictatorships State Seals United States Government
Learning Goals ALCOS #2:Explain essential characteristics of the political system of the United States, including the organization and function of political parties and the process of selecting political leaders. Goal: Tell me how the US government differs from other governments around the world.
End Read—Pgs. 26-31 Read from “The Importance of Government” through “Democratic Government” then STOP. 3’s: Internet Researcher (Look up “Democratic Governments” on your phone using Google and find a website with ONE key fact pertaining to “Democratic Governments”. Also, list the URL or website address.) 2’s : Questioner (Write down three questions that could be used as test questions [Multiple Choice, Matching, True False, etc.] and their answers from the material read.) 1’s: Graphic Organizer *KWL* (Before reading, write down ONE thing you already know about the topic above. Also, write down ONE thing you hope to learn more about. After you read, list ONE thing you learned from reading the pages above.)
Governments make laws, enforce laws, maintain security, provide services, protect public health and safety, and help people who are in need. The U.S. government is made up of the federal, or national, government; state governments; and local governments that include city, county, and town governments.
The United States is the world’s oldest representative democracy The United States is the world’s oldest representative democracy. It is a republic, which means that the people have a role in choosing the head of the government. Democracy is based on majority rule, which means citizens agree that they will abide by what most people want. In a democracy, ruling majorities are determined through free and fair elections.
End QARs What are the levels of government in the United States today? What type of government is the United States today? What is democracy based on?
End Read—Pgs. 31-33 Read from “Authoritarian Government” through “Systems of Government” then STOP. 3’s: Internet Researcher (Look up “Democratic Governments” on your phone using Google and find a website with ONE key fact pertaining to “Democratic Governments”. Also, list the URL or website address.) 2’s :Questioner (Write down three questions that could be used as test questions [Multiple Choice, Matching, True False, etc.] and their answers from the material read.) 1’s: Key Term Keeper (Make sure you have every key term defined.)
In authoritarian government, power is held by a person or group not accountable to the people. Absolute monarchies and dictatorships are types of authoritarian rule. Many dictatorships are totalitarian states in which the government controls almost all aspects of the people’s lives. Totalitarianism in WWII
Systems of government vary according to how power is shared or not shared among various levels of government. The United States once had a confederal system of government.
In a unitary system, the central government is supreme. Today the United States has a federal system, with power shared by the state governments and the central government. In a unitary system, the central government is supreme. WHAT IS FEDERALISM?!
End QARs Many dictatorships are considered what type of states? What systems of government does the US have today?
QAR Answers What are the levels of government in the United States today? Federal, State, and Local MC What type of government is the United States today? Republic/Representative Democracy What is democracy based on? Majority Rule Many dictatorships are considered what type of states? Totalitarian What system of government does the US have today? Federal System MC
After—Word Wall Drawing End After—Word Wall Drawing Choose one of the following words and create a word wall drawing: dictatorship, majority rule, volunteerism, naturalization, illegal aliens. You may use your phones to look up pictures/ideas, but only if it’s quiet. 33% Word/ Definition 33% Drawing 33% Color 100 Daily Grade