Racks Coordination 16 September 2011 E. Negodin How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (55 pt) Lower area (subtitle): Conference/meeting/workshop, location, date, your name and affiliation, max. 4 rows of the defined size (32 pt) Change the partner logos or add others in the last row.
Basic Layout 1 2
Every 100 m Every 200 m
A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 – each box 4 RU A7 – A26 – each box 5 RU
Issues List Test Rack prototypes Not-Aus Concept Schedule … Cooling capabilities (regulated dummy load (0.5-5 kW), temperature sensors in many places in the racks (~16), temperature stability, etc). Vibrations caused by fans and water flow. Air tightness EMI shielding (?) at 1.3 GHz Cabling tests (dummies) Not-Aus Concept Schedule …
Issues List Naming Concept 1. General CC_BBBBBB_ FFF_RRR_NNa Campus Building Floor Room Nr.Cab Rack CC_BBBBBB_ FFF_RRR_NNa Campus XTL/XTD Room z position Rack Examples: DE_XTL_E00_022_03a DE_XTL_E0_012_03a → XTL_012_0683a OB_XTD1_E00_009_03c OB_XTD1_E0_009_03c → XTD1_009_2515c 2. XTL Tunnel only Rack 3.2.A6.L3 Second rack in the 3-rd container (LLRF or RF) of the group belonging to A6 Mod.Group in L3 Rack 5.1.BC3 Fifth position in BC3, rack 1(left one) Documentation has to be done within the frame of section CDR (E. Negodin, M. Hoffmann)