Levels of Management The stages in the organization where a particular type of functions starts is called level called as LOM. A line of demarcation between various managerial positions in an organization. Functional and Operational Levels.
MIDDLE MANAGEMENT (Dept. Head, Superintendents, Branch Manager, etc) TOP MANAGEMENT (Chairman, MD, Secretaries, Board of Directors, GM, etc) MIDDLE MANAGEMENT (Dept. Head, Superintendents, Branch Manager, etc) LOWER MANAGEMENT (Foreman, Supervisors, Finance Officer, Account Officer , etc)
Top Levels management To formulate basic policies and providing direction. To make a corporate plan for the entire organization. To decide matters for survival, profitability and growth. To decide corporate goals. To design structure of the organization. To select officials for the company. To maintain liaison with outside parties To exercise overall managerial control.
Middle Level Management To evaluate the performance of junior managers. To send progress report to top management. Interpreting the policies of the top management. Motivating the personnel to achieve higher productivity. To coordinate with other departments. Reporting the feedback to the top management. Assigning duties and responsibilities of staff etc.
Lower Level Management To plan day to day operations of the business. To get the things done by the workers. To issue necessary orders and instructions. To assign work to the workers. To guide, assist, and help the workers. To motivate and maintain a team spirit among them.
Thank You……… Prof. Dr. Mitesh Hanwate HOD-IIMS Sahayog Educational Cmapus