Fennec Fox By: Eric Recio
The appearances of a fennec fox are: Colour: Cream coloured with black tipped tails Size: Head and Body 9.5 to 16 in (24 to 41 cm); tail 7 to 12.2 in (18 to 31 cm) Weight: 2.2 to 3.3 lbs (1 to 1.5 kg) Appearance
Behavior Due to the small size of them, this is a type of fox that many people find exciting to track down and to hunt. Another reason for the hunting is that the people of Africa like to use their gorgeous coats for making various thing, the fennec fox is bred commercially as an exotic house pets. Breeders tend to remove the young kits from the mother to hand-rear, as owners prefer tamer and more handleables foxes, thereby making more expensive.
Natural Environment and Adoptation Name of Species: Fennec Fox Scientific Classification: Vulpez Zerda The species is found in North Africa and Asia. The range is from Morocco through to Egypt, as far south as northern Niger and as far east as the Sinai Peninsula and Kuwait. A fennec fox’s typical den is dug in sand, either in open areas or sheltered by plants (with sand dunes) is considered their habitat. The dens (with compacted soils) can be up to 120 square meters, withup to 15 different entrances.
Life Cycle Stared at the Pup stage, then through Juvenile, and lastly the Adult.
Ecosystem-Biodiversity The small fennec fox is perfectly adapted to life in the harsh dessert of Africa, The soles of their feet are covered by long soft hairs that protect the feet from extreme temperature, and help fox walk on loose sand. Their large ears disspate heat as well as has excellent hearing (which detected pray). The fennec fox can subsists without water for an indefinite period, and survives by obtaining moisture through their food, and conserving water remaining in burrows during hot days and venturing out only at night. The thick aand wooly fur helps in sulate the fox againts the cold, dessert nights. The fennec fox starts to tremble with cold when temperatures drops below 20 degree celsius.
Interesting Facts Their large ears which are usaully 6 inches long (15 cm) help disspate excess body heat on hot days in the dessert. The fennec fox seems to be the only carnivore living in the Sahara dessert able to survive without free water. Their kidneys are adopted to restrict water loss. Their burrowing and noctournal lifestyle help restrict water loss as well. Their thick fur helps insulate them from the cold dessert nights. Their sandy fur helps to reflect heat, and also provide excellent camouflage.
Questions 1. What is the second stage of the fennec fox?(Spell it). 2.The text states, that you can find fennec foxes in___ 3. Give me an example of one use in the ears of a fennec fox. 4.What is the scientific name for fennec fox. 5.What is the main colour of a fennec fox. I give smarties when they got it right