Equality and Diversity Plan - Progress and next steps Professor Colette Fagan, Deputy Dean Andrew Mullen, Deputy Director of HR
HE Context Women have increased presence at each academic level in the sector in the UK. By 2011/12 21% of all professors were women, up from 7% in 1994/5 BME staff make up 13% of non-professorial staff but hold only 7% of professorial roles in the UK HE sector (2010/11 HESA data), up from 4% in 2000/2001 39% of academic roles in HE occupied by women (38% in Humanities) 12% of academic roles in HE occupied by BME groups (13% in Humanities) 62% of PSS roles in HE occupied by women (68% in Humanities) 10% of PSS roles in HE occupied by BME groups (7% in Humanities)
Faculty 2020 targets 47% of SL/Reader/Professorial positions to be women (currently 31%) - to match proportion at Lecturer level 15% of SL/Reader/Professorial positions to be BME (currently 11%) - to match proportion at Lecturer level 12% of PSS staff to be BME (currently 7%) - benchmark for Greater Manchester population
Working Group remit Adopt Athena SWAN Charter principles and processes, but broadened to cover ethnicity as well as gender and PSS as well as academic and research staff To develop action plan to promote and advance Faculty’s E&D agenda and objectives in pursuit of targets Membership comprises reps from Schools and Faculty Administration with knowledge/experience in diversity issues
Working Group membership Professor Colette Fagan, Deputy Dean-Research (in the Chair) Andrew Mullen, Deputy Director of HR & Head of Faculty HR Dr Carolyn Abbot, Senior Lecturer, School of Law Professor Claire Alexander, School of Social Sciences (Sociology) Professor Claire Annesley, School of Social Sciences (Politics) Mariam Attia, Research Development Officer, Faculty Administration Dr Helen Dutton, Athena Swan Coordinator Professor Helen Gunter, School of Environment, Education & Development (Education) Jane Hallam, Head of Faculty Planning & Compliance Jayne Hindle, Head of School Administration for Arts, Languages & Cultures Professor Helge Hoel, Manchester Business School (People, Management and Organisations Division)
Approach Stage 1, Working Group to: Receive and analyse the relevant HR data sets Prepare an overview audit of our current policies which are in place against those recommended by the Equality Challenge Unit (Athena and the Race Equality Charter), and other relevant bodies (Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Business in the Community ‘Opportunity Now’ initiative) Identify any gaps in the existing policy framework Propose innovative policies and other initiatives for consideration (and costing)
Stage 2 Use of Stage 1 resource to work with Schools to explore their particular local issues as well as the ones in common across the Faculty. To do this the School representative will lead on the work with the School’s designated HR Partner and the Athena SWAN Coordinator
Stage 1: Data and Information Provided Information relating to current staff and student profile by gender and ethnicity as well as comparative data from previous years Information about employment-related policies and procedures Various information and guidance from EHRC and ECU about how to advance E&D matters University equal pay audit data (Grades 1 to 8)
Headlines from data analysis Variations in women’s representation on the professoriate from 15% in Law to 36% in ALC and 37% in SoSS. Overall just short of 29% in Faculty. University = 22%, Russell Group = 19% Variations in BME representation on the professoriate from 6% in SALC and 9% in SoSS which rises to 13% in SEED and 15% in Law. Faculty = 10%, University = 8%, Russell Group = 7% PSS staff shows an imbalance gender wise towards women, though less pronounced in higher grades PSS staff’s BME representation low at all grades, though lower at higher grades Underrepresentation is worse for BME women than for BME men
Headlines – continued Gender pay gap (in favour of men) no greater than 1.6% at University level (all staff) For BME staff, gap is no greater (in favour of white staff) than 2.5% Fall-off in women’s representation most pronounced at L to SL Fall-off in BME representation varies from School to School SoSS and SALC have made most progress in gender diversity in senior academic levels
Information to follow Recruitment data by School, level and occupational group Professorial pay gap information Academic promotions applications/outcome for 2014 by gender and ethnicity Profile of leadership/management teams Retention and attrition data by gender and ethnicity Breakdown of staff profile by discipline/division in larger Schools Breakdown of BME status into UK and non-UK nationals
Next Steps Identify priorities for further data analysis REF 2014 inclusion analysis by gender and ethnicity Audit of current policy framework-any gaps, how effective? Determine work plan for Stage 2 in Schools, including communication and consultation methods School rep will work with designated HR Partner and Athena SWAN Coordinator Determine timeline for first draft of School plan Will report in November on progress against plans N.B. Will aim to do efficiently by devising actions for common themes at Faculty level.