Global Beam Energy Scan Global Beam Energy Scan BNL AGS CERN SPS BNL RHIC CERN LHC E895 NA61 STAR ALICE rich experimental data: on Pb+Pb and p+p interactions from several GeV to several TeV Global Beam Energy Scan is well advanced ! M. Gazdzicki, Frankfurt, Kielce
Basic goals: -study properties of strongly interacting matter, -in particular, what are its phases and how do transitions between them look like, Basic assumptions (consistent with data): -strongly interacting matter (a large system close to equilibrium) is created at the early stage of collisions, -its energy density increases with collision energy Basic drawback: -absence of SM (QCD) predictions
Popular phase diagram of strongly interacting matter
Global Beam Energy Scan is mostly - the by-product of the global race to construct larger and more powerful accelerators and - the product of dedicated programs at the already constructed facilities. The systematic results in full energy range only for Pb+Pb (Au+Au) collisions, significantly poorer data for p+p and light ion interactions.
accelerator, laboratory Brief history of beam energy scan programs important energy limit data taking accelerator, laboratory 1970-1990 Synchrophasotron, JINR, Dubna, up to 5A GeV 1975-1993: Bevalac, LBL, Berkeley, up to ≈2A GeV 1990-now: SIS, GSI, Darmstadt, up to ≈2A GeV 1996-1997: AGS, BNL, Brookhaven, up to ≈10A GeV 1998-2002: SPS, CERN, Geneva, up to ≈200A GeV 2009-2011: RHIC, BNL, Brookhaven down to ≈30A GeV 2011-2015: SPS, CERN, Geneva, up to ≈200A GeV All energies (kinetic ...-AGS, total SPS-...) in the fixed target system
Bevalac, LBL, Berkeley (1975-1993) Ar+KCL at 1.8A GeV
Bevalac, LBL, Berkeley (1975-1993) Bevelac ≡ Bevatron (1954) + SuperHILAC (1971) Key experiments: Nagamiya's spectrometer: PRC 24, 971 (81) Streamer Chamber: PRL 45, 874 (80) Plastic Ball/Wall: PL 142B, 141 (84) EOS: PRL 75, 2662 (95)
Bevalac, LBL, Berkeley (1975-1993) central Ar+KCl Kinetic energy: 0.25A - 2.1A GeV Ion beams: from p to Au Targets: various nuclei Results on multi-fragmentation and hadron production 2-5 k events per reaction
SIS-18, GSI, Darmstadt (1990-now) Ni+Ni at 1.95A GeV
SIS-18, GSI, Darmstadt (1990-now) SIS = Heavy Ion Synchrotron, 18 Tm Key experiments: FOPI: PLB 612, 173 (05) KaoS: J.Phys. G31, S693 (05) ALADIN PRL 94, 162701 (05) HADES PR C84, 014902 (11) Kinetic energy: 0.05A - 2.0A GeV Ion beams: from p to Au Targets: from p to Au
SIS-18, GSI, Darmstadt (1990-now)
AGS, BNL, Brookhaven (1996-1997) Au+Au at 4A GeV Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (1954) + AGS Booster (1991) Au+Au at 4A GeV The EOS Time Projection Chamber was the first TPC used in heavy ion experiments: first in EOS at Bevelac and then in E895 at AGS
AGS, BNL, Brookhaven (1996-1997) Key experiments: E866, E917 (E802, E859): PLB 490, 53 (00) E895: PRL 88, 102301 (02) Kinetic energy: 1.96A, 4.00A, 5.93A, 7.94A (10.74A) GeV Ion beams: Au Targets: Au
AGS, BNL, Brookhaven (1996-1997) central Au+Au
AGS, BNL, Brookhaven (1996-1997) central Au+Au
SPS, CERN, Geneva (1998-2002) Super Proton Synchrotron (1976), ions since (1986)
SPS, CERN, Geneva (1998-2002) Key experiments: NA49: PR C77, 024903 (02) NA57: PL B595, 68 (04) NA45: NP A727, 97 (03) Energy: 20A, 30A, 40A, 80A (158A) GeV Ion beams: Pb (0, S) Targets: Pb (S, Cu)
SPS, CERN, Geneva (1998-2002) central Pb+Pb
SPS, CERN, Geneva (1998-2002) central Pb+Pb (Au+Au)
RHIC, BNL, Brookhaven (2009-2011) Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (2000) Au+Au at 7.6 GeV (30A GeV)
RHIC, BNL, Brookhaven (2009-2011) Key experiments: STAR: PR C81, 024911 (10) PHENIX: J. Phys. G38, 124146 (11) Energy: 7.7, 9.2, 11.5, 19.6, 27.0, 39.0 (62, 200) GeV (N+N c.m.s. energy) Ions: Au + Au
RHIC, BNL, Brookhaven (2009-2011) Au+Au at 39 GeV
SPS, CERN, Geneva (2011-2015) Be+Be at 158A GeV
SPS, CERN, Geneva (2011-2015) Only one experiment: NA61/SHINE: PR C84, 034604 (11) Energy: 13A, 20A, 30A, 40A, 80A (158A) GeV Ion beams: (p), Be, Ar and Xe Targets: (p), Be, Ca and La
SPS, CERN, Geneva (2011-2015) Be+Be at 150A GeV UNCORRECTED
Present and future heavy ion experimental programs LHC RHIC energy accelerator/exps (GeV) accelerator/exps 1 SIS-18/HADES SIS-100/HADES-CBM SPS NICA 10 SPS/NA61 NICA/MPD SIS-18 SIS-100 100 RHIC/STAR,PHENIX 1000 LHC/ALICE,ATLAS,CMS
NICA, JINR, Dubna (2017-...) Experiments: MPD, SPD: NICA = Nuclotron based Ion Collider fAcility Experiments: MPD, SPD: Energy: 4-11 GeV (N+N c.m.s. energy), Beams: from p to Au
Nuclotron, JINR, Dubna (2015-...) Experiment: BM@N Energy: up to 6A GeV, Beams: from p to Au
SIS-100, FAIR, Darmstadt (2019-...) Experiments: HADES, CBM: Energy: up to 14A GeV, Beams: from p to Au
Do we need energy scan at LHC, CERN, Geneva ? Experiments: ALICE, CMS, ATLAS: Energy: 400 – 5400 GeV Beams: from p to Au
Do we need energy scan at LHC, CERN, Geneva ? central Pb+Pb (Au+Au) Smooth evolution of hadron production properties from the top SPS to the almost top LHC energy There is no strong motivation for a beam energy scan at LHC. However would be desirable to close the large gap between the top RHIC and LHC energies.