How does the UK Government promote Community Cohesion?
The UK believes that a multi-ethnic society needs to promote community cohesion to overcome prejudice, discrimination and racism. The following slides tell you the ways they promote community cohesion.
In schools. Making community cohesion part of the National Curriculum in all schools.
Leaders By appointing cabinet ministers, judges etc. from ethnic minorities.
Laws By passing laws such as the Race Relations Act, which makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone because of race, colour or nationality.
Crime and Disorder Act This allows more severe punishment for racial crimes and hatred.
The Racial and Religious Hatred Act This makes it an offence to use threatening words or behaviour about religious beliefs or lack of belief.
Politics All political parties must oppose racism and encourage ethnic minority MPs
Equality and Human Rights Commission To create a fairer Britain, which gets rid of discrimination and builds good relationships. We have a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights; and to protect, enforce and promote equality across the nine "protected" grounds - age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.
Funding The Government funds research into the best ways of achieving community cohesion.
Why is it important? In countries without community cohesion violence becomes a way of life. Lack of community cohesion makes it impossible for people to co-operate.
Cohesion is good because…. It avoids the bad effects of prejudice and discrimination It encourages different groups to work together It ensures respect for others
C Question Explain how the government of the UK works to promote community cohesion. (8 marks) One way that the government works to promote community cohesion is…… An example of this would be…… Another is…… (Another sentence with more detail or an example) Thirdly…….. Finally they could………………..