The Handmaid’s Tale The Human Experience
The Question Explore how the Handmaid's tale represents human experience. In order to answer this I gathered six key topic points which I felt represented the Human experience most. Many of those were related to relationships. Therefore as a starter each group should think about the impact of relationships on Offred's life.
Relationships Offred – The Commander Offred – Serena Joy Offred – Nick Offred – Reader
Relationships Relationships are central to the narrative of the story and help explore the human experience. The impact of the relationship is generally altered by the person in question however each one poses as a different experience for Offred. Some of these relationships are between Offred The Commander, Ofglen, Moira, Nick and Serena Joy.
Why are these important? It could be said that every novel which has human characters explores the human experience through the relationships the characters hold. However these are significantly more important within The Handmaid's Tale as they represent something more than a connection of characters. Relationships in the Handmaid's tale point to wider themes and explore the inequality of Gilead further than the narrative itself.
Impacts of relationships With these very different relationships between Offred and the other human characters throughout The Handmaid's Tale different human qualities, faults and dependencies are displayed. These are all factors of the human experience and add to Offred's charter development. Some of these include love, exchange, touch and trust. Each of these factors displayed through relationships display the human experience.
Exchange From the very beginning of the book exchange has been a way of expressing the human experience. Inside The Red centre the exchange of names between the handmaids displays the very real human quality where each person chooses to hold their identity rather than be allow society to completely own them. This is seen in chapter 1 where the handmaids exchange names from bedside to bedside.
Exchange Names and identity are not the only things which link exchange to the human experience. Another form of exchange is seen in chapter two whereby Offred wishes she could “Exchange” ideas with Rita and Cora. This would create conversation helping Offred feel like less of an outsider alienated and dependent upon those she lives with.
Exchange Exchange as a word gains momentum and meaning throughout the novel as what little exchange of communication or affection Offred does receive is strictly manufactured by Gilead. The form of communication which she desires is ultimately a meaningful conversation however this too is prohibited by the totalitarian government. Communication is therefore used directly to display the human experience as the handmaids are prohibited from any free communication. Meaning that what interaction they do have with others is manufactured by the state.
Touch Perhaps another form of affection or display of communication is touch. This is also strictly prohibited within the society of Gilead. Hence Offred is not subject to much if any affectionate touch throughout her time as a handmaid. However, given that she understands the meaning of affectionate touch this can be seen as another display of the human experience explored as it shows Offred desires affection.
Touch Offred's understanding of this affectionate gesture is displayed in chapter 9 where she examines the room which is now her confined prison. “The stains on the mattress. Like dried flower petals. Not recent. Old Love; there's no other kind of love in this room now.” Such a quote shows how Offred understands the meaning of touch and affection and that she is granted neither. However her comment on the matter displays she longs for affection and for someone to love her.
Touch The human experience is also displayed through touch when Nick, although only slightly touches Offred. This occurs in chapter 14 and displays Offred's desire for affection reinforcing the fact that Gilead can't possibly reduce a person to their biological purpose entirely. The use of “He's so close that the tip of his boot is touching my foot. Is this on purpose?” displays that Offred understands the gesture is human choice and that it may not be accidental. Adding to the human experience further as Offred desires for a form of connection.
Trust A very compelling aspect of the human experience is trust. This is a matter of loyalty and mutual respect shared between two or more people. This is used in the Handmaid's Tale to display that Offred's human relations are based upon trust which increases with comfort and affection displayed within the relationship. Such a use of trust represents the human experience as trust is based on an opinion of someone and their loyalty to Offred.
Who does Offred trust? Following the topic of Trust I would like each group to think about who Offred trusts and who she does not. Does Offred trust The Commander? Does Offred trust herself? Does Offred Trust the reader?
Trust Although trust is developed between Nick and Offred it can be seen that due to the nature of Gilead Offred finds it very hard to trust anyone. This is displayed through the lack of her name and her daughters name being mentioned at all. As this could potentially endanger both of them. However in chapter 41 Nick is revealed to Offred's real name which shows her level of trust towards him. This displays the human experience as Offred is displayed to show signs of loyalty and affection. Which are both human expressions.
The Commander The Commander himself, Fred represents the human experience as well. This is achieved and displayed through the secretive meetings he has with Offred and the betrayal of the Society of Gilead. The Commander is proved to be human too as his desire for affection from Offred is equal to the affection Offred wants greatly. However, not from The Commander. Curiosity is what drives Offred into the relationship with The Commander. The use of “I would like to know... Whatever there is to know... What's going on?” displays Offred's questioning of the society she has been labelled by.
The Commander The risk that the Commander puts Offred in when having the secretive meeting is a display of the human characteristic of betrayal. Through this he betrays his wife and the society of Gilead with the possibility of Offred being sent to the colonies as an “unwoman”. The Commander's desire for affection and company is displayed when he invited Offred to his study to play a game of scrabble which evolves into two games.
The Commander The playing of the game itself is prohibited as information and education are both denied from the handmaids however the end result of the visit is what displays the human experience the most. Whereby the Commander asks for Offred to kiss him, however like she means it as if there is a degree of affection shared. This is The Commander's desire for love which shows he too is as human as Offred.
Knowledge How does knowledge influence Offred’s view of the world.? Each group should think about what different forms of Knowledge Offred encounters and how this affects her interpretation and narration of the world around her.
Knowledge Offred’s desire for knowledge displays the human experience as this is her plea for freedom. To overcome the language barrier and become an equal with those around her. The want for equality and affection is only natural in humanity. The empowerment of Offred is first displayed when she discovers the Latin written on the inside of the wardrobe.
Knowledge In chapter 9 of The Handmaid’s tale Offred is exposed to the forbidden knowledge of language. This empowers her and once again gives Offred purpose and a reason to continue. The use of “It pleases me to think I’m communicating with her this unknown woman” shows how Offred's desire for communication and meaningful human contact extends that which she receives.
Freedom In a sense knowledge is the only freedom Offred can hope for. This allows her to make an informed decision and have an opinion on matters which concern her. She desires for this so that she is not trapped or confined by limited information. This is enhanced by the visits she is summoned to by The Commander which allows her to known the unknown, The Commander’s weakness.
Freedom With freedom or rather lack thereof comes temptation and desire. This is paired with curiosity which is one of the reasons why she attended the meetings. This may too have been out of fear however curiosity was to apparent in Offred’s visit to The Commander. The use of “I would like to know whatever there is to know” shows the human experience through Offred’s curiosity as she displays the desire for knowledge.
Conclusion To answer the question The Handmaid's tale represents the human experience through the use of the following ideas. Relationships – The experience and different forms of relationships she develops, trusting with Nick and curiosity with the Commander. Exchange – Each form of exchange from touch to communication this represents Offred's desire for inclusion within the society. Knowledge – Offred's desire for knowledge represents the human experience as curiosity is a human characteristic. With knowledge comes freedom.