Blood and Treasure Taylor Osborne
Iraq: 5,000+ lives lost and trillions of dollars spent
Top 5 Countries: Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Nigeria
BREAKDOWN: - Only 5% of World Population U.S Consumes 25% of World Oil 60% of which from foreign countries U.S Consumes 19.1 MBPD (Million Barrels Per Day) Imported Oil 11.8 MBPD Exported Oil 2.3 MBPD Net Import 9.4 MBPD
= $
Middle East = Unstable
Alternatives: Wind Turbines, (clean) Nuclear Power, Electric Cars and/or Biofuels
Works Cited Image #1/3/4: Microsoft Clipart Image #1: “Converting America’s Trucking Fleet to Electric will cut US Foreign Oil Dependency to ZERO!” Think Green. Web. 24 Jan. 2012 Image #2: “A Lot of Blood for Little Oil.” Spiegel Online International. Web. 6. Dec. 2010. Graph #1: Lugar Energy Initiative. January 2006. Energy Information Administration. Graph #2: Luciscup. “America’s Dependency on Foreign Oil Reality Check.” Chart. O&G. 28 Sept. 2009: Blog Graph #3: Global Macro Monitor. “Sources of U.S Petroleum Imports.” Chart. 4 Oct. 2011: Blog Image #3: “Energy Bill Shows Longevity of Foreign Oil Dependency.” Hybridcarblog. Web. 21 May 2012. Image #4: “Time Management Software: Choosing the Right One.” Time Management. Web. 2007-2012
Works Cited Image #5: Keenon, Joshua. “The Complete Beginners Guide to Saving Money.” Web. 2012 Image #6: McGraw, Brian. “Can Obama End Our “Addiction” to Foreign Oil?” Global Warming. Web. 1 April 2011 Image #7: “Close Enough For Government Work.” PapaTodd. Web. 12 April 2011 Image #8: “Peak Oil and Lifestyles.” IfEnergy. Web. 2009