Study Guide for Ancient Egypt
Nile River Valley The only fertile land in the desert
Upper Egypt The southern part of Egypt. Kush was located to the south of Egypt.
Lower Egypt The northern part of Egypt
Delta A triangular shaped area of marshy land made by deposits of silt, sand, and small stones at the mouth of the river
irrigation The watering of dry land by means of streams , canals or pipes in order to grow more crops
Silt Bits of black soil, sand and clay laid down by flowing water
How did the Nile’s overflow affect Egypt’s soil? It watered the soil and enriched it with fertile silt.
A trade network developed along the Nile River Valley A trade network developed along the Nile River Valley. What are imports and exports? Goods brought from other regions were imports. Items sent to other regions were exports.
cataract Strong rapids
How might the Nile’s cataracts have protected the Kush in Egypt? The cataracts made sailing the Nile difficult. It was a benefit because it kept invaders away.
In Egyptian Society most people were: Pharaoh Wealthy Farmers who emerged as leaders.
How did farmers from Nubia become wealthy and rich?. All farmers grew vegetables, fruits, and grains or irrigated near rivers and prospered from it.
Nobles were people from rich and powerful families in Ancient Egypt.
slavery A practice where one owns another.
Why was the pharaoh’s authority never questioned? The Egyptians thought of the pharaoh as god.
Who was the first pharaoh of Egypt? Menes was the first pharaoh of Egypt.
What is a Dynasty? A Dynasty is a series of rulers from the same family.
Why did the pharaohs of the First Dynasty wear a double crown? They wore a double crown to symbolize the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Pyramids were built during the _______________. Old Kingdom
What were pyramids used for in Egyptian society? The Egyptian society used pyramids for royal tombs with four triangle shaped sides that meet at the top in a point.
What was central to Egyptian religion? The belief in the afterlife, which means life after death.
Why was embalming important to the Egyptians? Mummies were specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth. If a body was allowed to decay, the spirit would not recognize it in the afterlife.
What items did many ancient Egyptians take to their tombs to enjoy in the afterlife? Food Furniture Clothing Personal Items
What did Egyptians believe left the body after their death? Egyptians believed that a person’s “ka” left their body and became a spirit after death.
Egyptians did not draw people realistically, but drew ________ realistically. animals
Hieroglyphics An Egyptian system of writing that uses pictures or signs
Hieroglyphics and were written from right to left, horizontally. How were hieroglyphics written? Hieroglyphics and were written from right to left, horizontally.
Papyrus A paper made from reeds that grew in the Nile Delta. Most Egyptian records were written on papyrus.
Scribe A person whose profession was writing down or copying letters, contracts, and other documents.
Rosetta Stone A large inscribed stone discovered in Rosetta, Egypt, in 1799. It enabled scholars to learn the meaning of hieroglyphs.
What was the Middle Kingdom? The Middle Kingdom is a period of order and stability 2050 BC to 1750 BC after Mentuhotep defeated his rivals.
What rights did women have? Women were able to own property, allowed to sign contracts, and divorce their husbands if he was a dud.
What were two ways the Egyptians decorated their temples? The ways Egyptians decorated their temples included temples, paintings, hieroglyphics , statues or obelisks.
Which pharaoh was known for building monuments? Pharaoh Khufu
What is a sphinx? A sphinx is an imaginary creature with the head of a man, ram or bird and the body of a lion.
What were two geographical features that protected people who lived along the Nile? The cataracts made sailing the Nile difficult but it was a benefit because it kept invaders away. Also the Nile River was in the middle of a desert which was difficult to travel. The mountains and large seas, such as the Mediterranean and Red Sea were difficult to travel on.
What did Queen Hatshepsut accomplish as the first woman pharaoh of Egypt? increased trade, built many impressive temples and monuments also supported the arts and architecture.
Know your Egypt Map! AFRICA Tip: Black Sea A Silly sentence can help you remember these places! Example: Black Sea Caspian Sea Tigris River Mediterranean Sea Euphrates River Nile delta Lower Egypt My Black Cat Plays Rough! Persian Gulf Red Sea Nile River And don’t forget: Upper Egypt x x x x x x x x x x AFRICA x x (for Euphrates and Tigris)