Sigaw ng Kabataan Coalition
What is SKC? SKC – Sigaw ng Kabataan Coalition alternate name: United Youth’s Voice Is a national organization of youth and local youth organizations with the primary objective of amplifying youth voices. Formed on 18th of August 2013
General MISSION To promote sustainability in the empowerment of the youth to effectively participate and lead the Environmental, Social and Political progress in the Philippines. To amplify youth voices through organizing the sector and unifying forces for effective struggles.
VISION Sigaw ng Kabataan coalition is an umbrella organization of Youth from all regions of the country, working in solidarity to amplify youth voices and creating venues to develop leadership and promote cooperation between the youth sector, other sectors of the society and the Government.
Value statement We at skc believe and uphold organization that practices democracy, promotes unity and solidarity of youth, whose leaders and members are deeply committed, forward-looking, change-seeking, accountable and transparent at all times to the Coalition. We measure our worth by the political and economic strengths of the organizations we organized, the integrity of systems and processes we institutionalized, the high degree of collective professionalism, relevance, sustainability and impact of our programs and activities to members and the greater public.
Location of members + Regional Ambassadors Marilao,Bulacan Mindoro METRO Manila Laguna Marinduque Iloilo city Cebu City Zamboanga city Cotabato city Davao city
SKC is a part of the Civil Society Organizations’ Coalition which filed the Freedom of Information bill at the Senate! Filing of the Freedom of Information Bill at the Senate
Transparency & Accountability #PeoplesFOInow!
SKC Create/publish Position papers on various youth and national issues which directly or indirectly affects the youth.
We mobilized and campaigned for the abolition of all pork barrel
#EducationNot4Sale #Sigaw_ko #1World1Struggle “Budget cuts, outsourcing, school closures, climbing costs of living and tuition fees among other phenomena, are all linked to an increasing commercialization and privatization of education. Uniting globally is our answer to these obstacles - fighting for emancipatory education for all.” Sigaw ng kabataan coalition We are in a global network of education advocates and activists which aims to coordinate local actions regarding the struggle for free education to the Global level. #EducationNot4Sale #Sigaw_ko #1World1Struggle
Solidarity from *Malaysia *Morocco * Germany
Education, Training & Seminars, & Forums
Collaborate with other Civil Society Organizations or Advocacy Groups
Legislative Lobbying Lobbying
We diligently attend FOI committee hearings and technical working group meetings at the house of the representatives and the senate…
Organize,Volunteer, perform
Ambassadors SKC REGIONAL AMBASSADOR: Regional Ambassadors of Sigaw ng Kabataan Coalition acts as Local chief Executive. An ambassador is a part of SKC’s national steering committee and National Executive Board.
Primary Responsibilities of Regional Ambassadors: Establish Regional Guilds Through : Creating an online community of youth based in your region Increasing individual membership or completing your six (6) regional representatives through education (Conducting Basic Orientation Seminars) Inviting regional organizations to take part in amplifying youth voices Conduct assembly calls
Representatives There are two types of Representatives : The Regional Representatives and the Organizational Representatives Regional Representatives are those who applied to represent their region in their individual capacity Organizational Representatives are Representatives of Organizational members or partners of SKC – every partner/member organization has one representative to SKC Responsibilities are : Helping the ambassador establish the Regional Guild , Amplify youth voices within your geographical territory, Drafting Policies for both Regional and National Level, Organizing Responsibilities: Increasing SKC membership in your area through conducting Basic Orientation Seminars and other related education activities .
What are the Objectives of the Application for Ambassadors and Representatives? We want to hear real youth voices from all the regions of the Philippines We wanted to congregate youth leaders with the same vision of empowering other youth members of the society . Support , develop and/or promote innovative ideas Amplify youth Voices , empower and collectively struggle in asserting our rights for Education , Freedom, Peace , justice ,et cetera. To call for facilitation of the Coalition in the National and regional levels – for better representation and effective amplification of youth. To develop and make Philippine Youth leaders competitive and Socially accountable.
“In UNITY and SOLIDARITY we can reach much farther than if we went alone by ourselves”
Networks/Partners: Member Structures
Makialam! Makiisa! Makibahagi! Sama-sama nating palakasin ang Sigaw ng Kabataan! Makiisa! Makibahagi!
C/o Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK) Youth-Connect Ellirie Aviles 09396707619 @Sigaw_ko C/o Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK) No.15 Clarion lily st. ,St. Dominic 1 subd. , Congressional Avenue , Quezon City . T/F: 9244-4710