ICPerMed – an International Consortium (SC1), Health, demographic change and well-being Giornata Nazionale di Lancio dei Bandi 2018-20 in Horizon 2020 Dr. G. Guglielmi DGRIC: Ministero della Salute Roma, 15 Dicembre 2017
CSA: ICPerMed Secretariat Personalised Medicine - Historic CSA: PerMed (2013-2015) ICPerMed (2016-2020) CSA: ICPerMed Secretariat 4 countries Germany (coordination), France, Italy (Health Ministry), Spain Support for ICPerMed 27 partners Including Industry, Researchers, Funders and Ministries Main output: Strategic research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA, 2015) with 5 Challenge Groups 28 countries partners → Separation also in regions → 6 countries observers European Commission First main output: Action Plan (Actionable Research and Support Activities) Close connection 1- Developing Awareness and Empowerment 2- Integrating Big Data and ICT Solutions 3- Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond 4- Bringing Innovation to the Market 5- Shaping Sustainable Healthcare 2017-2021 Tool to enable funding in PM ERA-NET-Cofund 2018 2
Governance ICPerMed Aim: to coordinate and foster research to develop and evaluate personalised medicine approaches Over 30 European and international partners : Representing ministries, funding agencies and the European Commission (EC) International consortium model (similar to IRDiRC or IHEC) Venue
ICPerMed – Development of the Action Plan 22 Actionable Research and 8 support activities Will feed into national and European strategic discussion of research funders Venue
First ICPerMed Workshop June 2017 – Results and Dissemination base Workshop Participants distribution 57 experts (120 accepted) 194 experts invited 401 invited Dissemination: Streaming (130 international invited and 49 Italian Hospital Research) Next Steps: Ending Report (two versions: short for Website, Complete as Deliverable). Press release
First ICPerMed Workshop June 2017– Result and Dissemination base (MoH-It) In the short and medium term: to involve more European infrastructures for PM research, to expand and improve BioBanking. Training of all stakeholders, including clinicians in the use of new technology and Big Data dissemination. Development of shared policies for Informed Consent across EU, design and implementation of new EU legislation on Data protection to ensure that it supports PM. In the long term: Standardisation/Harmonisation of all steps of data production from the patient to the final database. A large set of recommendations was developed with some conclusions common to all panels, indicating that in these areas further research and implementation efforts are needed:
ERA PerMed is a new ERA-Net Cofound, supported by 31 partners of 22 countries and cofunded by the European Commission. To align national research strategies, promote excellence, reinforce the competitiveness of European players in PM, and enhance the European collaboration with non-EU countries, 31 funding organisations have agreed to launch the first Joint Transnational Call for collaborative innovative research projects in Personalised Medicine (PM). Research Area 1 Validation, pre-clinical and clinical biomedical research –“Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond”. Research Area 2 Data analysis, management and protection, including ethical, legal and social implications –“Integrating Big Data and ICT Solutions”. Module 1A: Preclinical Research Module 2A: Data and ICT – Enabling Technology Module 1B: Clinical Research Clinical trials are excluded Module 2B: Data and ICT - Towards application in health care . The call will be launched on February 2018 with a submission deadline for pre-proposals in April 2018 . Consortia to be invited for the full-proposal stage will have to submit their full proposal on July 5th 2018.
In December, ICPerMed will launch the ICPerMed Awards 2018 In December, ICPerMed will launch the ICPerMed Awards 2018 !!!!! The objective of this award is to encourage and disseminate best practice examples in personalised medicine research (PM). The winners will be invited to the ICPerMed Berlin Conference November 2018 and will be given the opportunity to pre-sent their results during a plenary session. In addition, the successful candidates will be awarded with a scientific dissemination package. Applicants have to be residents of an ICPerMed member state. A maximum number of three awards will be selected. The presented best practice examples should cover one or several of the following aspects: • Scientific paper focused on novel approaches for the implementation of PM . • Training programmes for health personnel, increas-ing the level of awareness on PM potential. • Examples for interdisciplinary or intersectoral groups of collaboration (governmental and non-governmental organisations, academic management, medical re-search and Health Care), for the implementation of PM, including ELSI activities.
EU-CELACPerMed: Widening EU-CELAC policy and research cooperation in PM The international scope requires the participation in ICPerMed of health research funding and policy-making organisations from Europe and from other regions, as is the case of the CELAC region (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), addressed in this specific project proposal. In this regard it is important to remark that the CELAC group of countries has been prioritized within the Horizon 2020Work Programme 2018-2020,to promote this collaboration, in particular related to the uptake of personalised approaches in health systems and healthcare, taking into account social and cultural aspects, health economy issues and equitable healthcare. EU-CELAC PerMed work will be developed in close coordination with ICPerMed and ERA PerMedinitiatives
E-Mail: icpermed@dlr.de Web: icpermed.eu Ministero della Salute. DRGIC Please contact the ICPerMed Secretariat for all questions concerning ICPerMed and its activities. E-Mail: icpermed@dlr.de Web: icpermed.eu Ministero della Salute. DRGIC g.guglielmi@sanita.it mj.ruizalvarez-esterno@sanita.it mg.mancini-esterno@sanita.it