Appointments, Bookings and Referrals Patient Access Service Manager Natasha Lloyd-Lucas Patient Access Service Manager
What we do as a Trust: First outpatients appointments – 70,000 Follow up outpatient appointments – 155,000 Community contacts – 700,000 Therapy appointments – 100,000 Integrated Single Point of Access (i-SPA) – 110,000 Patients waiting for treatment - 13347 (93.74% within 18 weeks) No of patients treated on average per month (non emergency) - 1129
Patient Access Services 18wk Pathway validation team Outpatient appointment booking Inpatient appointment booking 2 week wait pathways
Referral to Treatment Process... and beyond
What we have done in the last 2 years. Combined teams Developing of staff skills Reviewed processes and procedures Focus on data quality
Exercise Are there any suggestions you have to improve the process that I have just described?
Challenges Lorenzo/New systems Printing Rescheduling Validation Did Not Attends (DNAs) Patient/Clinic availability Choose and Book Managing incoming calls
Now and Future…. Netcall New Telephonist roles Improved tracking of patients Better communication between our team and specialties. Synertec Refining of processes and procedures
Exercise Currently when we contact you about appointments the number is withheld for confidentiality, would you prefer for the number to be shown?
Exercise If you need to reschedule your appointment how would you prefer to do this? Telephone Online system Email Face to face Other