Welcome to the Year 1 Information Meeting 2017/18
The Year 1 Team Y1RM Teachers Mrs Rand Ms Matthews Y1WR Support Staff Mrs Middleton Y1H Teachers Miss Harding Y1H Support Staff Mrs Gilbert
Curriculum Content Wide and varied topics to help cover all areas of the curriculum, and make it available to all. Autumn – Superheroes Spring – Turrets and Tiaras Summer – Africa
Homework Maths and Topic learning logs sent home on a Friday. Promotes independent learning. Extend as much as you would like. Please return these on Thursday so they can be marked for the following week. Feel free to make notes and comments on the bottom of children's work in the log. Spellings – List of between 3-10 words which support phonics work we are doing in school. Tested on Friday. Results sent home on the sheet. ‘My Maths’ an optional homework to support the weeks maths learning.
Phonics Read Write Inc programme. Phonics groups starting with set 1 sounds moving to set 2 and set 3. Children in groups for best support. Government has introduced phonics test at end of Year 1
Home/School Library Books are changed on a Tuesday. Please try to remember book bags as the electronic system makes it much harder to change books when it is not our day. Books meant for enjoyment and could be read independently or with support. We welcome supplementing your child’s reading with books from home or from your local library. Comments section.
Swimming Takes place on a Tuesday afternoon for both classes. Adult helpers – must have DBS with school. Send all kit in on Monday and it will be sent home after swimming. No earrings! As they can block the filter and cause the pool to be unusable.
P.E & ICT PE Y1H – Monday PM and Tuesday PM PE Y1RM – Wednesday PM and Tuesday PM Please no jewellery, including stud earrings (without permission slip). Named kit & uniform. Computing Y1H – Tuesday Computing Y1WR – Friday
Hot School Meals Offers good range of food on 3 week cycle, menus available at Office. Everyone in KS1 is entitled to a free school meal everyday.
General Information All children should be coming to school daily with: Water bottle Coat Jumper In cold weather – hat, scarf and gloves In hot weather – caps & sun cream already applied. Winter uniform after half term. Boys – tie & collared shirt. Girls – encouraged to wear tie unless in open blouse. Please ensure they are all named.
Absences Illness – Please ring the office to let us know. Appointments – Please let us know in advance so it is recorded as authorised. Any other reasons – please enquire at Office so that it is correctly recorded.
Daily Routine Safety is our main priority. Please let us know any changes to usual afternoon pick up. Let us know in writing if there are adults that can pick up your child at any time.
Coming up! Parent consultations Class Assemblies Wednesday 18th October am and evening Class Assemblies Y1RM – Friday 3rd November 3pm Y1H – Thursday 9th November 3pm Visit to St. Michaels Church, Woburn Sands Wednesday 11th October Superhero Wow Day Wednesday 15th November
Website We have our very own Year 1 page on the school website! Check it regularly for updates, reminders and photos of special days.
Plea for help!! Any help you can offer is gratefully received. Tuesday for swimming but readers are also welcome any other time Please let us know if you think you are available to help. (A DBS check must be held with the school.)
Any questions?