Status of the oSLB project Jose C. Da SILVA LIP-Lisbon title
… … SLB Basic Connection SLB-TX SLB-RX ABCD ABCD Trigger Main Board 1 to 9 SLBs (EB) 3 or 4 (EE) 4 x 1.2Gb cables RCT Receiver Card (present) SLB-TX ABCD SLB-RX ABCD SLB-TX ABCD SLB-RX ABCD … … SLB-TX ABCD SLB-RX ABCD Slide 2: full optical , can be used with OLD or NEW RCT and ECAL/HCAL designs, but needs FULL oSLB production in case HCAL does not upgrades in time. a “copy” link can be used for RCT uTCA validation. SLB-TX AB (CD) SLB-RX AB(CD)
Adopted oSLB solution for ECAL Replace 2 SLBs by one “2slot” oSLB Using 4.8Gb modules RCT uTCA Receiver Card 2x4.8Gb 16TT ECAL EB/EE TCC Board 9 SLBs (EB) 3 or 4 SLBs (EE) Opto PP RCT Receiver Card oSLB ABCD1 oRM ABCD 2x4.8Gb spare oSLB ABCD2 … 1or 2 4.8Gb 16TT Modular optical connections from oSLB and old an new RCT oSLB ABCD3 oRM ABCD 2or 3 4.8Gb spare SLB AB(CD)4
oSLB “hot points” Xloom optical solution under study: 4 TX - 4RX (up to 5Gbps) 500 EURO/Piece Pro’s: mechanics, number of channels (4 tx/rx @ 5gbps) Israeli-CERN fund for (partial) payment || END|| Open window to study TX or RX versions Con’s: Small company issues Still poor input on these devices (ongoing) Xloom devices production received(4 units) BER measurement tests to be done Xloom solution
Artist view of an SLB + microGigaCN solution oSLB “hot points” Fujitsu “microgiga” optical solution under study: 4 TX - 4RX (up to 5Gbps) 255 EURO/Piece (!) Pro’s: Price mechanics, number of channels (4 tx/rx @ 5gbps) Optical Module External to the oSLB Fujitsu “company name” (2000 units sold) Con’s: Infiniband connector dimensions Modification on front panels mechanics of TCCs Fujitsu components ordered (4 units) BER measurement tests to be done IMPORTANT : Both solutions have the same Footprint on the SLBs Fujitsu solution , external to oSLB Artist view of an SLB + microGigaCN solution
Production count : RCT/ uTCA GCT/ uTCA GT/GMT ETCC: TPGs uTCA-HTR: TPGs oSLB produce ONLY the final count (ECAL) of oSLBs + spares 1 to 1 = 324 EB, 252 EE (576) 2 or 1 = 180 EB , 180 EE (360) = ~200 Links gain!! 3 or 2 = 108 EB (3), 144(2) EE (252) = ~320 Links gain!! (~500-700 euros savings per oSLB) Cost effective! ~200Euro/ oSLB + 255 USD /microgiga adaptor Cost estimate:~ 500 Euro / oSLB/optics + 30K USD for optical bundles and adaptors production covers the ECAL final needs (400Pcs) Production numbers and cost
Upgrade step 1 HCAL uHTR Cards (Q2 2013 (?) HCAL HTR Cards ECAL TCCs SLHC RCT Cal Trigger Processor Cards (Q2 2012) HCAL Trigger Primitive Optical Splitter (Q?) To DAQ HCAL FE Optical Via BU “AMC13” Optical Ribbons HCAL HTR Cards Regional Calorimeter Trigger ECAL Trigger Primitive Optical Patch Panel (Q2 2012) TPG primitives connections for Upgrade Step 1 ECAL TCCs RXs To DAQ oSLBs (Q2 2013) Via GCT ORMs (Q4 2012) (Proto validation Q3 2012) (Series Q4 2012-Q2 2013) Indiv. Fibers (LC)
TPG High speed links overview SLHC RCT Cal Trigger Processor Cards HCAL uHTR Cards To DAQ Via BU “AMC13” Optical Ribbons Optical Ribbons Trigger Primitive Optical Patch Panel Regional Calorimeter Trigger Optical Ribbons Indiv. Fibers (LC) Final optical connectiosn To DAQ ECAL TCCs Via GCT ORMs oSLBs
Optical PP connections Replace 2 SLBs by one 2slots oSLB Using 4.8Gb modules 2x4.8Gb 16TT Opto PP 4 outputs @5Gbps oSLB ABCD1 oRM ABCD 1 input @5Gbps 2x4.8Gb spare oSLB ABCD2 1x4.8Gb 8TT LC oSLB ABCDn oRM ABCD oRM ABCD oRM ABCD oRM ABCD oSLB ABCDn oRM ABCD oRM ABCD oSLB ABCDn 2slotsSlb design RCT/ uTCA HTR -uTCA ABCDn
Optical PP : MTP/LC/MTP MTP 12 to LC to MTP12 optical adaptors to match SLB-RCT inputs Xloom device has guide pins (MTP “female” bundle) Cost (based on 2007 prices) 12-way fan-out 3 or 10 meters – ~350 USD/each 12-way adapters – 65 USD/each conclusions
oSLB design and Schedule “Dual input” SLB Layout Use latest FPGA technology : Artix 7 3v3 Compatible with present design Reduced impact on design Reduce costs <200 USD / Artix 7 Artix 7 Available in May 2012 Rev A Prototype validation up to August 2012 (10 units) SLB test bench installation in 904 (started) Integration with TCCs and oRMS -> Oct-Dec 2012 (904) RevB ? oSLB production done in June 2013 ( ~6 months) * P5 installation from August 2013 onwards * If LHC machine operation schedule changes we SHOULD delay the oSLB production conclusions
WG twiki : Next steps: Bought 4 components (Israeli – Cern Fund) Bought 4 microGigaCN devices (Fujitsu) Dev kit from Xilinx (optical receiver) 2 slots oSLB design for Artix-7 Device oRM dual SFP design looks the best choice to match the oSLB Validation of the optical devices @ 5Gbps (ongoing) Production costs funding title WG twiki :