Faculty Workshop Series: Preparing (for) an NSF CAREER How to Succeed: A discussion with NSF CAREER recipients April 26, 2017
Faculty Workshop Series: Preparing (for) an NSF CAREER May 17, 2017 Resources and Strategies for NSF Broader Impacts and Educational Design for Impact 909 Renaissance Park, 11:30 – 1 pm Broader Impacts matter: Join a panel of CAREER awardees in discussing the strategies and resources they used to design well integrated broader impact components for NSF merit review -- and explore existing NU programs and resources that are available to assist you with addressing this critical component of your proposal, including the Center for STEM Education and the Center for Advancing Teaching & Learning Through Research (CATLR). Lunch will be served. RSVP: https://provostweb.wufoo.com/forms/k9aasvu101g17x/ June 14, 2017 Writing a NSF CAREER Summary: An Interactive Workshop for Writing a NSF CAREER Summary 909 Renaissance Park, 11:30 am – 1 pm Learn how to respond to the NSF merit criteria in each section of the summary. Workshop your draft summary with your peers in a small group setting. Lunch will be served. RSVP: https://provostweb.wufoo.com/forms/k8d9t50juu8fo/
FY17 NSF CAREER Proposal Deadlines July 19, 2017: BIO, CISE, HER July 20, 2017: ENG July 21, 2017: GEO, MPS, SBE
Our Panelists: Amal Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Computer Science CAREER Award (CIS:CISE 2015): “Verified Compilers for Multi-Language World” Research Focus: Programming-language semantics and type systems for reasoning about imperative code, security, concurrency, compiler transformations, and provenance. Presently focused on how to build verified compilers that ensure safe linking of code compiled from different programming languages. Debra Auguste, Professor, Chemical Engineering CAREER Award (MPS:DMR 2011): “Molecular Diversity in Drug Delivery Design:An Integrated Approach to Research and Education” Research Focus: Bioresponsive drug delivery; cell and tissue engineering; tissue architecture; targeted therapeutics Swastik Kar, Associate Professor, Physics CAREER Award (ENG:ECCS 2014): “Graphene-based Ultra-responsive Photo-sensing Devices” Research Focus: Graphene, other nanomaterials such as metal nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, fullerenes etc., and issues related to metal-insulator transitions, nanoscale magnetism and superconductivity.
Resources: RFP: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17537/nsf17537.htm NSF Q&A: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17050/nsf17050.jsp CAREER Contacts: https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/career/contacts.jsp NSF CAREER Program Webinar (May 22): https://www.nsf.gov/events/event_summ.jsp?cntn_id=191332