Math Acceleration July 16, 2015 Missy Walker HCS Math Coordinator
What is Math Acceleration? Mastery of grade-level standards Deepening of conceptual knowledge Application of mathematical practices Real world connections Recognizing that everything a student needs to know about Algebra begins in kindergarten Rachael
New schedule for Math Elementary grades departmentalized for math in grades 3-6 90 minute block for math each school day 90 additional hours of math instruction school year Fridays will focus on small group and individualized learning activities
Elementary Math Classroom Focus on Standards of Mathematical Practice Conceptual Understanding Differentiation & Scaffolding Small groups Centers Math Talks Rachael
Fridays in Math Class Acceleration Support Enrichment Individualized Learning Performance Based Assessments Project Based Learning Beth
Elementary Math Teams All elementary schools will have a math team All interested students can participate Team meetings will occur during the school day Intramural competitions Opportunities for state and national competitions Beth