13 September 2017 Objective – Review main concepts of Chapter 1 Bellringer – Number a place on your study guide 1 - 7 Quick study guide questions? Kahoot Review Game??? HW ~ Study ~ Chapter 1 Assessment Key is posted online
Chapter One Study Guide Check your answers!
Anno Domini The year of our Lord. Used for dates after “0”
Historian A writer of history.
Bias A prejudgment for or against a topic/issue.
Stereotype A general label put on a group of people (based upon a group they “belong to”.
Culture The knowledge, beliefs, customs & values of a group of people
Fossil An imprint of a plant or animal in a rock. Examples: A leaf imprinted in a rock, a bee or fish imprinted in a rock. Examples: bones can also be fossilized.
Archaeologist A scientist who studies history based on what humans have left behind.
Artifact An item that was created or used by humans. Examples: toys, documents, clothes, furniture, garbage
History The study of the past.
Prehistory The history of the world before the invention of writing.
Oral History Passing on information by word of mouth – it is not written down How information was passed on during prehistory
Primary Source A source that comes from the time period being studied. Examples: Written documents, witnesses, artifacts
Secondary Source A source that was created after the time period being studied, usually by someone who wasn’t there.
14. What is bias? Why do we need to be careful when using written primary sources? Bias is a prejudgment or opinion. (usually based on personal experiences) In the Sir Sam articles, there were two very different opinions. People have different perspectives. So, one has to be careful to make sure that the information is based on fact and just not an emotional opinion. ***Knowing this, as a history student, you must check multiple sources to get a clear picture of history.***
15. What is the difference between intentional and unintentional bias 15. What is the difference between intentional and unintentional bias? When might each be used? Intentional bias is done when someone knows they are using it. They are trying to influence your opinion. For example – when you want your parents to order pizza for dinner. Unintentional bias is done when someone does not know they are using bias – they generally have incomplete facts. They do not mean to use it. For example - your textbook has unintentional bias when talking about events from prehistory. They are trying to give you the best information possible, but because they lack all of the information – information is left out.
16. How are primary sources like secondary sources 16. How are primary sources like secondary sources? How are they different? Primary Sources – diary, letter, ancient helmet, bow & arrow Secondary Source – encyclopedia, articles, documentaries They both give historical information. They are both valid ways to study a historical period of time. Primary sources come directly from the time period being studied. On the other hand, one needs to have primary sources in order to write the secondary sources.